Bug fix release
- support for signalp v6 parsing 650 716
- improve protein2genome performance 652 654
- add `--tmpdir` options to most scripts (defaults to `/tmp`), ie use if have access to SSD to improve speed
- upgrade `eggnog-mapper` to newer version, use in memory if enough is available to improve speed
- fix version check 655
- fix for abnormal contig identifiers 672
- fix for EVM contig memory parsing 646
- add `-m,--mito-pass-thru` to `funannotate annotate` to add back mitochondrial genome, mitochondrial contigs should be removed prior to running funannotate as uses different genetic code
- antismash6 support 692
- update download urls to https from ftp
- fix for EVM if last line of GFF3 is blank 709
- simplify runSuprocess functions 707 710 mglubber
- move temporary files for check for soft masking to output folder 722
- conda augustus is apparently broken, fix in docker722 724, so need to install augustus a different way (ie apt-get on Debian)
- add missing help menu options 714
- fix for `funannotate update` compare annotations function 727
- add `--ml_model` to `funannotate compare` to control ML model selection in `iqtree`, default is to run modelfinder which is very slow.