
Latest version: v1.8.17

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A few updates to support bioconda integration -- namely either $TRINITYHOME or $TRINITY_HOME can be used. Also don't trust trinity packaged trimmomatic, use the conda version.


Code has been repackaged to conform to a "proper" python package -- which means it now also resides on PyPi and a Bioconda package can be built. Along with the repackaging there are many improvements/fixes.

* funannotate now keeps track of "trained species" for all of the ab-initio gene predictors (Augustus, gene mark (optional), snap, GlimmerHMM, codingquarry). This requires all users to update their database, ie `funannotate setup` command. After running `funannotate predict` the software will output a JSON file containing the paths to the trained parameter files -- this can be used again for a different genome via the `funannotate predict --parameters` options. This parameter file can also be added to the database with the `funannotate species -s genus_species -a parameters.json` command. Running the `funannotate species` command will output a table in the command line of which species have training data. Addressed 320
* antiSMASH remote script fixed and parser updated for v5 output.
* added filtering for gene models that start/end in a gap that can sometimes show up after running `funannotate update`
* added a check for `diamond` version of the database and current copy -- this results in many hidden errors by users, ie diamond databases were created with an older/incompatible version than what is running currently.
* updated `Augustus` functional check
* removed `RepeatModeler/RepeatMasker` as strict dependencies. Due to RepBase change in usage license, repeatmasker/modeler are not available to most users. The `funannotate mask` command can still run this routine if you have the necessary dependencies installed, however, the current default is simply to run `tantan` masking. This is probably not sufficient for most genomes, thus happy to integrate a robust solution once one exists for repeat masking.
* augustus parameter training now done in the local output folder, so no longer need write access to $AUGUSTUS_CONFIG_PATH


* support for antiSMASH v5.0 output 292 299
* add `snap` and `glimmerhmm` request from 240. BUSCO is now run by default in `funannotate predict` if there is no PASA data -- BUSCO results used to train `glimmerhmm` and `snap`
* improved Phobius results parsing 259
* multi-threaded `funannotate clean`, thanks to bogemad
* fix database links 300
* multi-threaded `hisat2-build` 303
* write all output files directly from `tbl` format -- fix bug associated with multi-transcript parsing from GenBank files
* bug fix for protein2genome exonerate mapping
* bug fixes for `funannotate train` and `funannotate update`
* added `--min_coverage` option to trinity workflow and set default to 5
* bug fixes for `codingquarry` predictions (RNA-seq only)
* improved error message for repeatmodeler/masker 298
* bug fix for remote searches
* bug fix for parsing input folders in annotate 302
* updated conda install docs --> which seems futile to keep this current....


* updated the CAZYme dbCAN link
* fix string formatting in GeneMark-ET function


* restructure `augustus` accessory scripts calls so that they don't have to be in same location as the exe, i.e. this used to be a bug if you used conda installed `augustus` as it puts the scripts in a different location than the default augustus release folder
* added a check to `busco` routine to default to a single thread if `tblastn` version is found that might have multithread issues
* allow a min number of gene models to use for Augustus training, `--min_training_models` in `funannotate predict`
* limit genemark to 64 cpus -- it will die if you try to give it more
* fix shortBAM declaration in `funannotate update`
* for `genemark-ET` set score of introns to 500, otherwise seems to be dying.
* updated weights for different gene models -- would be nice to have this be a customizable option....


* updated dbCAN links
* important bug fix for RNA-seq analysis. the bam2gff3 function was not outputting the proper coordinates for crick stranded alignments for PASA, resulting valid minimap2 alignments being thrown out.
* several other minor bug fixes

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