Bug fix release, recommended for all users.
* use `uuid` unique identifier for tmp file names (previous uses process id)
* fix `diamond` command in mapping proteins to genome 529
* add some contig name checking for inputs to predict -- some users erroneously pass GFF3 files that reference transcripts or some other assembly, warn user 528
* add support for antiSMASH v6 531 539
* check genome for IUPAC errors 532
* re-write long reads mapping to trinity transcripts 539
* allow for fewer busco models for training 556
* expose some EVM parameters to predict 558
* modify EVM partitioning -- some gene models close to partition were not being called correctly 558.
* support newly released eggnog-mapper >= v2.0.5 566, note that v2.x - 2.0.4 will not be supported as the output is broken in the sense that it is impossible to parse the proper EggNog reference ID. If you are using any eggnog results from this code, strongly advised to re-run with new release.
* add `_pasa` to PASA database names 398. Note -- this change could potentially cause pre-existing databases run with older funannotate code to not be recognized properly after v1.8.5.