* added support to `funannotate predict` for an `--other_gff` option that will pass annotation directly to EVM. You can control the weight for EVM, like this `--other_gff my_predictions.gff3:10`, which would give the gene models a weight of 10 in EVM
* better support for `--pasa_gff` passed to `funannotate predict` where now input is not hardcoded to have `transdecoder` in column 2 of the gff file. You can also control the EVM weight like this: `--pasa_gff my_pasa.gff:10` to give it a weight of 10
* BRAKER1 method now pulls out high quality Augustus models (HiQ) that have >90% exon supported by evidence, these are given a weight of 5 in EVM
* Added a few stats for repeat masking genome as well as number of transcripts mapped
* updated funannotate so it is compatible with new version of GAG v2.01.