
Latest version: v1.8.17

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- fix bug where tRNA predictions lacking 'product' annotation would cause `funannotate annotate` to die
- build in check for fasta header length for `funannotate predict`, max is 16 characters for GenBank format


- bug fix for `funannotate predict` and an empty `--transcript_evidence` option
- bug fix for NCBI error parsing in `funannotate predict`


- fix bug that crashed checking input files for `--protein_evidence` or `--transcript_evidence` if passing multiple files separated by a `,`
- Add backbone secondary metabolism summary to `funannotate compare`


- added summary of transcription factors to `funannotate compare` based off of InterProScan domain hits.
- a few minor bug fixes


- bug fix on some NCBI genbank files where protein ID/locus ID aren't entered in the way that funannotate expects them
- bug fix for `funannotate predict` when generating augustus hints files


- fix bug in processing antismash results, a typo on file handle
- increase `signalp` chunks to 40 to further reduce memory consumption
- fix naming of signalp graph and orientation of x-axis names

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