* v1.2.0 now supports multiple transcripts per gene locus. The funannotate pipeline will only generate multiple transcripts per locus if given evidence in the form of RNA-seq data, this is done in the `funannotate update` command. It should also now support input with multiple transcripts as well.
* move installation of busco models to `funannotate setup`
* added annotation edit distance (AED) to `funannotate update` to record the changes in annotation. As well the PASA annotation update text file is changed to incorporate these changes as well
* accessory script `util/compare2annotations.py` can compare multiple annotations in either GFF3 or GBK format to a reference, generating summary stats as well as individual gene stats (AED per mRNA and CDS)
* added a `--drop` option to `funannotate fix` that you can remove unwanted gene model annotations, to use pass a file containing locus_tag (1 per line) to the `--drop` parameter
* fix bug in finding high-quality Augustus predictions (HiQ) models in `funannotate predict`
* `funannotate predict` will now detect if a `training` folder exists in output directory, if it does it will find the correct PASA, BAM, and Trinity output and use automatically during the prediction step.