* support for long-read RNA-seq data: `funannotate train` and `funannotate update` can take PacBio isoSeq (`--pacbio_isoseq`), Nanopore cDNA reads (`--nanopore_cdna`), and Nanopore direct mRNA (`--nanopore_mrna`).
* fix for important bug in transcript alignments in `funannotate predict` -- bug in previous versions related to multi-exon crick alignments not getting correctly parsed into GFF3 alignments
* soft masking is now decoupled from `funannotate predict`, this is now done with `funannotate mask`. Reason for this switch is to allow more flexibility in how the assembly is soft masked -- this can be done externally with another program. This change will allow users that don't have access to RepBase to use an alternative from RepeatMasker/RepeatModeler. One alternative is RED -- I wrote a wrapper for called [RedMask](https://github.com/nextgenusfs/redmask)
* `funannotate predict` can now run without GeneMark being installed -- again to accommodate users that may be unable to use GeneMark due to licensing. Note you can pass gene predictions from any external program to `--other_gff` and they will be handed off to Evidence Modeler.
* spaces in either strain or isolate name will be stripped 180
* default program for `funannotate clean` changed to minimap2 176
* fix errors in partial gene models derived from using EVM script to generate proteins, this is now done internally using exact coordinates 184
* added `--soft_mask` option to `funannotate predict` which will control the option with same name in GeneMark, i.e. default is `--soft_mask 5000` which means that repeat regions less than 5 kb will be ignored for GeneMark prediction, those greater than 5 kb will be fed to Genemark. 185
* bug fixes for `tbl` file generation. all tRNA models will be partial 184
* improvement to how data from `funannotate train` is used in prediction steps
* Slight changes for clarity to `funannotate predict` flags for evidence alignments:
--protein_evidence Proteins to map to genome (prot1.fa prot2.fa uniprot.fa). Default: uniprot.fa
--protein_alignments Pre-computed exonerate protein alignments (see docs for format)
--transcript_evidence mRNA/ESTs to align to genome (trans1.fa ests.fa trinity.fa). Default: none
--transcript_alignments Pre-computed transcript alignments in GFF3 format
* added `funannotate util bam2gff3` script to convert coordsorted RNA-seq BAM alignments to GFF3 compatible alignment file.
* fix bug for input of files+weight in `funannotate predict` -- script would get hung up if you passed `--other_gff snap_alignemnts.gff3:5` 191
* allow for non-standard LocusTags - will now split on last underscore 191