* Add ``--skip_venv`` to support running Galaxy 16.01 inside of
conda environments. 9f3957d_
* Implement conda support. f99f6c1_, ad3b2f0_, 5e0b6d1_
* Update LICENSE for Planemo to match Galaxy. 15d33c7_
* Depend on new `galaxy-lib`_ on PyPI_ instead of previous hacks....
`Pull Request 394`_
* Fix egg caching against master/15.10. 6d0f502_
* Fix bug causing shed publishing of ``.svn`` directories.
`Issue 391`_
* Bug fixes for Conda_ support thanks to `bgruening`_. 63e456c_
* Fix document issues thanks to `einon`_.
`Pull Request 390`_
* Improve client for shed publishing to support newer shed backend
being developed by `hexylena`_. `Pull Request 394`_
* Tool Shed ``repo_id`` change, `hexylena`_. `Pull Request 398`_
* Various other small changes to testing, project structure, and
Python 3 support.