Apologies, I forgot to change CMake build parameters on Windows. This release adds 2^12 max qubit addressing for Windows, as well, as use case and hardware permit.
Without any major trade-offs, besides a slightly larger binary size, this release is built to address up to 2^12 qubits in a single simulator instance, as use case and hardware permit.
This release increases the default shared library interface integer width to 64 bits. The change allows for limited cases of Schmidt decomposed universal gate simulation up to about 64 qubits, as in the example of https://github.com/vm6502q/pyqrack-jupyter/blob/main/shor.ipynb.
This fixes a bug in controlled arithmetic logic unit (ALU) methods: control qubit lists were not properly internally cast to C arrays.
This release adds the `adjiswap()` gate, ("adjoint of ISWAP").
The gate `mcr()` ("multiply-controlled rotation") did not properly cast its angle parameter to `c_double`, when calling the shared C API; this has been fixed. (Binaries remain the same as v0.12.0.)