Qrack's optimized "arithmetic logic unit" has been wrapped for PyQrack.
Some errata: This might be not the exact build that went to PyPi, for 0.3.0. However, after accidentally publishing a transient artifact, I tested that build for 2 known (negative) issues, and found that neither were issues for the version on PyPi:
1. `mtrx` custom gates should be cast to floats, when broken into real and imaginary components from complex numbers. (This would raise a warning in SimulaQron tests, if not fixed in the package, but the package does not raise this warning.)
2. Qrack binaries should have been updated to actually contain the ALU method wrappers. (The package correctly runs Grover's search on a lookup table, so its binaries must contain these methods. I only generated one new set of binaries.)
There was a change to the README that I wanted to include, but it isn't critical. The labor-intensive part of any PyQrack release is building all Qrack binaries, which are already built correctly for 0.3.x release, so, if an issue arises, It'll take 15 minutes to iterate a patch. Please continue to feel free to open issue tickets.