
Latest version: v1.30.28

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This binary(-only) update greatly improves the efficiency of measurement sampling in cases, such as particularly when collecting a single sample with `measure_shots()`.


Measurement sampling execution speed has been greatly improved, for low-entanglement systems with Schmidt decomposition layer, and for hybrid-stabilizer layer. (The API has not changed.)


QrackSimulator()` constructor arguments have been fixed. `ctypes` does not necessarily complain or throw exception if a bound method signature doesn't correspond to that of a Python call, and this led me to originally call the wrong initialization method for specifying layer options.


Two bugs were fixed in the Qrack static and shared libraries:
- PhaseParity() gate gave incorrect results, depending on optimization layers, in the static library
- Boolean gates in the shared library did not correctly map simulator qubit labels

Additionally, importing `setuptools` instead of `distutils.core` in the `none-any` wheel seems to fix its compatibility with Mac systems, and probably more generally.


The shared library was accidentally holding onto potentially significant garbage due to unnecessary use of strong `shared_ptr` references as map keys. Stability has been improved in situations where many simulators are allocated and freed.


v0.7.0 adds the option to disable many of Qrack's optimization layers, in the system-specific optimal layer stack, (which is bimodal, depending on the presence/absence of OpenCL devices). For many specific circuits of interest, significant additional performance can be gained by disabling one or more Qrack layer stacks, if one knows the characteristics of their workload, as regards the attempted optimizations in Qrack.

(However, the default case, with _all_ optimizations layers on, is designed for best general performance based upon developer experimentation with realistic and/or high-entanglement universal circuits. It is expected that users will most commonly best benefit from leaving all optimization layers on by default, and not considering v0.7.0 options at all, without a reason.)

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