
Latest version: v0.99.2

Safety actively analyzes 642295 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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Bugs fixed

- More fixes for the automated detection of include and libraries at build time.



Bugs fixed

- Further fixes in the automatic detection of includes and libraries
needed to compile rpy2 against R. The detection code has
been refactored (backport from the 2.2.x branch)



Bugs fixed

- fixes the automatic detection of R_HOME/lib during building/compiling
when R_HOME/lib is not in lib/ (issue 54)



New features

- :mod:`rpy2.robjects.lib.ggplot2` now has the functions :func:`limits`,
:func:`xlim`, :func:`ylim` exposed (patch contributed anonymously)

Bugs fixed

- Install script when the BLAS library used by R is specified as a library
file (patch by Michael Kuhn)



Bugs fixed

- Spurious error message when using DataFrame.from_csvfile() without
specifying col_names or row_names

- Patch to finally compile with Python < 2.6 (contribDuted by Denis Barbier)



New Features


- NA_Logical, NA_Real, NA_Integer, NA_Character from :mod:`rpy2.rinterface`
are imported by robjects.



- NA_bool, NA_real, NA_integer, NA_character and NA_complex are now
robjects-level vectors
(they were rinterface-level vectors).
Consider using the rinterface-defined NAs instead of them.

Bugs fixed

- Missing conditional C definition to compile with Python 2.4 issue 38

- Fixed error when calling robjects.vectors.Vector.iteritems() on an R
vector without names

- Fixed automatic conversion issues (issue 41)

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