
Latest version: v0.99.2

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New features


- :func:`setReadConsole`: specify Python callback for console input

- `R` string vectors can now be built from Python unicode objects

- getter :attr:`__sexp__` to return an opaque C pointer to the underlying R object

- method :meth:`rsame` to test if the underlying R objects for two :class:`Sexp` are the same.

- added `emptyEnv` (R's C-level `R_EmptyEnv`)

- added method :meth:`Sexp.do_slot_assign`


- R string vectors can now be built from Python unicode objects


- module :mod:`functional` with the functions :func:`tapply`, :func:`listify`, :func:`iterify`.

- module :mod:`indexing` with the function :func:`order`

- method :meth:`TaggedList.sort` now implemented



- :func:`initEmbeddedR` is only initializing if R is not started (no effect otherwise, and no exception thrown anymore)

- the method :meth:`Sexp.typeof` was replaced by a Python `getter` :attr:`typeof`.

- the method :meth:`Sexp.named` was replaced by a Python `getter` :attr:`named`.

- R objects of type LANGSXP are now one kind of vector (... but this may change again)

- R objects of type EXPRSXP are now handled as vectors (... but this may change again)

- :func:`initEmbeddedR` renamed to :func:`initr`

- :func:`endEmbeddedR` renamed to :func:`endr`


- :class:`R` remains a singleton, but does not throw an exception when multiple instances are requested

Bugs fixed

- unable to compile on Python2.4 (definition of aliases to Python2.5-specific were not where they should be).

- overflow issues on Python 2.4/64 bits when indexing R vector with very large integers.

- handling of negative indexes for :class:`SexpVector`'s :meth:`__getitem__` and :meth:`__setitem__` was missing

- trying to create an instance of :class:`SexpVector` before initializing R raises a RuntimeException (used to segfault)

- experimental method :meth:`enclos` was not properly exported

- setup.py was exiting prematurely when R was compiled against an existing BLAS library

- complex vectors should now be handled properly by :mod:`rpy2.rinterface.robjects`.

- methods :meth:`rownames` and :meth:`colnames` for :class:`RDataFrame` were incorrect.



New features


- package for R-like features in Python

- module :mod:`rpy2.rlike.container`

- class :class:`ArgsDict` in :mod:`rpy2.rlike.container`

- class :class:`TaggedList` in :mod:`rpy2.rlike.container`


- method :meth:`named`, corresponding to R's C-level NAMED

- experimental methods :meth:`frame` and :meth:`enclos` for SexpEnvironment corresponding to R's C-level FRAME and ENCLOS

- method :meth:`rcall` for :class:`ClosureSexp`

- new experimental class :class:`SexpLang` for R language objects.

Bugs fixed

- R stack checking is disabled (no longer crashes when multithreading)

- fixed missing R_PreserveObject for vectors (causing R part of the object to sometimes vanish during garbage collection)

- prevents calling an R function when R has been ended (raise :class:`RuntimeException`).



New features


- method :meth:`getnames` for :class:`RVector`

- experimental methods :meth:`__setitem__` and :meth:`setnames` for :class:`RVector`

- method 'getnames' for :class:`RArray`

- new class :class:`RFormula`

- new helper class :class:`RVectorDelegator` (see below)

- indexing RVector the "R way" with subset is now possible through a delegating attribute (e.g., myvec.r[True] rather than myvec.subset(True)). suggested by Michael Sorich

- new class :class:`RDataFrame`. The constructor :meth:`__init__` is still experimental (need for an ordered dictionnary, that will be in before the beta

- filled documentation about mapping between objects


- many fixes and additions to the documentation

- improved GTK console in the demos

- changed the major version number to 2 in order to avoid confusion with rpy 1.x Suggested by Peter and Gregory Warnes

- moved test.py to demos/example01.py


- changed method name `getNames` to `getnames` where available (all lower-case names for methods seems to be the accepted norm in Python).

Bugs fixed


- fixed string representation of R object on Microsoft Windows (using fifo, not available on win32)

- :meth:`__getattr__` for :class:`RS4` is now using :meth:`ri2py`


- fixed context of evaluation for R functions (now R_GlobalEnv)



- first public release

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