
Latest version: v0.99.2

Safety actively analyzes 666166 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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New features

- New class :class:`rpy2.robjects.SourceCode`. The class extends Python's
:class:`str` and is meant to represent R source code. An HTML
renderer for the ipython notebook (syntax highlighting using
:mod:`pygment` is also added).

- New module :mod:`rpy2.robjects.lib.tidyr` providing a custom
wrapper for the R library `tidyr`

- The long-deprecated functions :func:`rpy2.rinterface.set_writeconsole` and
:func:`rpy2.rinterface.get_writeconsole` are no longer available. One of
:func:`rpy2.rinterface.set_writeconsole_regular` / :func:`rpy2.rinterface.set_writeconsole_warnerror`
or :func:`rpy2.rinterface.get_writeconsole_regular` / :func:`rpy2.rinterface.get_writeconsole_warnerror`
respectively should be used instead.

- The attribute :attr:`rpy2.robjects.RObject.slots` can now be implictly interated on
(the method :meth:`__iter__` is now an alias for :meth:`keys`).

- The default Python-R conversion is now handling functions. This means that
Python function can directly be used as parameters to R functions (when

- Ipython display hook `display_png` for ggplot2 graphics.

- :mod:`pandas` "category" vectors are better handled by the pandas conversion.

- New module :mod:`rpy2.robjects.lib.grdevices` providing a custom
wrapper for the R library 'grDevices', exposing few key functions in
the package and providing context managers (`render_to_file` and
`render_to_bytesio`) designed to simplify the handling of static plots
(e.g., webserver producing graphics on the fly or figure embedded in a
Jupyter notebook).

- Numpy conversion is handling better arrays with `dtype` equal to `"O"`
when all objects are either all inheriting from :class:`str` or from
:class:`bytes`. Such arrays are now producing :class:`StrSexpVector` or
:class:`BytesSexpVector` objects respectively.

- R's own printing of warnings if now transformed to warnings of type
`rinterface.RRuntimeWarning` (it used to be a regular `UserWarning`)

- The family of functions `src_*` and the function `tbl` in the R package
`dplyr` have aliases in the module :mod:`rpy2.robjects.lib.dplyr`, and
a class :class:`DataSource` has been added for convenience.

- :class:`rpy2.robjects.vectors.DataFrame` has a method `head` corresponding
to R's method of the same name. The method takes the n first row of a
data frame.

- dplyr's functions `count_` and `tally` are now exposed as methods for
the class :class:`dplyr.DataFrame`.


- Building/installing rpy2 with a development version of R does not require
the use of option `--ignore-check-rversion` any longer. A warning is
simply issue when the R version is "development".

- On MSWindows, the dependency on `pywin32` was removed (issue 315)

- :class:`GroupedDataFrame` in the dplyr interface module is now inheriting
from the definition of DataFrame in that same module (it was previously
inheriting from :class:`robjects.vectors.DataFrame`).

- The default `repr()` for R objects is now printing the R classes
(as suggested in issue 349).

Bugs Fixed

- Parameter names to R function that are in UTF-8 are no longer causing a
segfault (issue 332)

- Looking for a missing key in an R environment (using `__getitem__` or `[`)
could raise a `LookupError` instead of a `KeyError`.

- R environment can now handle unicode keys as UTF-8 (was previously
trying Latin1)

- rpy2 is interrupting attempts to install with Python < 2.7 with an
informative error message (issue 338)

- Setting the R class can be done by using a simple Python string (issue 341)

- `rpy2.robjects.lib.grid.viewport` is now returning an instance of class
`Viewport` (defined in the same module) (issue 350)



Bug fixed

- Python objects exposed to R could lead to segfault when the Python process is
exiting (issue 331)



Bugs fixed

- American English spelling was missing for some of the function names
to specify colour (color) scales.

- Fix for printing R objects on Windows (pull request 47)



Bugs fixed

- Pickling `robjects`-level objects resulted in `rinterface`-level objects
when unpickled (issue 324).




- :mod:`rpy2.robjects.lib.ggplot2` was modified to match the newly released
ggplot2-2.0.0. This is introducing API-breaking changes, which breaks the
promise to keep the API stable through bugfix releases within series, but
without it 2.7.x will not a work with new default installation of the R
package ggplot2.



Bugs fixed

- Division and floordivision through the delegator `.ro` provided with
R vectors wrapped by `robjects`. (issue 320)

- Memory leak when unserializing (unpickling) R objects bundled in Python
objects (issue 321)

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