
Latest version: v0.99.2

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Bugs fixed

- Check that R >= 3.2 is used at build time (issue 291)

- Conversion rules were not applied when parsing and evaluating string
as R code with :class:`rpy2.robjects.R`.



New features

- Because of their long names, the classes
:class:`SignatureTranslatedPackage`, and
in :mod:`rpy2.robjects.packages` have now the aliases
:class:`STAP`, :class:`STP`, and :class:`STF` respectively.

Bugs fixed

- Typo in function name emitting warnings at build time (issue 283)

- The conversion of `TaggedList` instances is now handling the names
of items in the list (issue 286)


- Loading the `ipython` extension in the absence of `pandas` or `numpy`
is now issuing a warning (issue 279)



New features

- Report the existence during build time of a file `.Renviron`,
or the definition of the environment variables `R_ENVIRON' or
`R_ENVIRON_USER` with a warning. (issue 204)

- Moved console writting callback to use `ptr_R_WriteConsoleEx`
rather than `ptr_R_WriteConsole`. This allows callbacks
for warnings and messages. `get/set_writeconsole` is now
replaced by `get/set_writeconsole_regular` (regular
output) and `get/set_writeconsole_warnerror` (warning and error).
In order to conserve backward compatibility an alias for
`get/set_writeconsole_regular` called `get/set_writeconsole` is

- Added callback for `ptr_R_ResetConsole`.

- :mod:`pandas` :class:`Categorical` objects are automatically handled
in the pandas converter.

- The translation of R symbols into Python symbols used in `importr` and
underlying classes and methods can be customized with a callback.
The default translation turning `.` into `_` is `default_symbol_r2python`.

- Translation of named arguments in R function is now sharing code with the
translation of R symbols (see point above), providing a consistent way to
perform translations.

- Utility function `sequence_to_vector` in `robjects` to convert Python
sequences (e.g., `list` or `tuple`) to R vector without having to
specify the type (the type is inferred from the list).

- :mod:`robjects.vectors` object have a property :attr:`NAvalue` that contains
the `NA` value for the vector, allowing generic code on R vectors.
For example, testing whether any vector contains `NA` can be written as
`any(x is myvector.NAvalue for x in myvector)`. Making numpy /masked/ array
is an other application.


- The automatic name translation from R to Python used in `importr` is
now slightly more complex. It will not only translate `.` to `_` but
should a conflict arise from the existence in R of both the `.` and `_`
versions the `.` version will be appended a `_` (in accordance with
:pep:0008). The change was discussed in issue 274).

- The ipython 'R magic' is now starting with a default conversion mode
that is `pandas2ri` if it can find it, then `numpy2ri` if it can find it,
and then the basic conversion.

- R vectors are now typed at the C level (IntSexpVector, FloatSexpVector,
ListSexpVector, etc...) whenever retrieving them from the embedded R
with the low-level `rinterface`. This is facilitating dispatch on vector
type (e.g., with `singledispatch` now used for the conversion system).

Bugs fixed

- The evaluation of R code through R's C-level function `tryEval`
caused console output whenever an error occurred. Moving to
the seemingly experimental `tryEvalSilent` makes evaluations less

- Multiple plots in one ipython cell (pull request 44)



- `simplegeneric` was moved of ipython 4.0.0 (pull request 43)



Bugs fixed

- Detection of the R version during setup on Win8 (issues 255 and 258)

- Segmentation fault when converting :mod:`pandas` :class:`Series` with
elements of type object (issue 264)

- The default converter from Python (non-rpy2) objects to rinterface-level
objects was producing robjects-level objects whenever the input was of
type :class:`list` (discovered while fixing issue 264)

- Implemented suggested fix for issue with unlinking files on Windows
(issue 191)

- Testing rpy2 in the absence of ipython no longer stops with an error
(issue 266)



Bugs fixed

- Crash (segfault) when querying an R object in an R environment triggers an
error (symbol exists, but associated values resolves to an error - issue 251)

- Change in the signature of `rcall` was not updated in the documentation
(issue 259)

- Minor update to the documentation (issue 257)

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