
Latest version: v0.99.2

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Bugs fixed

- Filter PNG files on size, preventing empty files causing trouble to be
ipython notebook rendering of graphics later on (slight modification of
the pull request 39)

- Fix installation left unresolved with rpy2-2.5.3 (issue 248)

- Possible segfault with Python 3.4 (issue 249)




- `setup.py` has `install_requires` in addition to `requires` in the hope to
fix the missing dependency with Python 2 (:mod:`singledispatch` is required
but not installed).

Bugs fixed

- Extracting configuration information from should now work when R is emitting a warning (issue 247)

- On OS X the library discovery step can yield nothing (see issue 246). A tentative fix is to issue
a warning and keep moving.



Bugs fixed

- String representation of :class:`robjects.R` (issue 238)

- Check during `build_ext` if unsupported version of R (pull request 32)

- HTMl display of columns of factors in a DataFrame (issue 236)

- HTML display of factors (issue 242)



Bugs fixed

- Require singledispatch if Python 3.3 (issue 232)

- Fixed bug when R spits out a warning when asked configuration information (issue 233)

- Restored printing of compilation information when running `setup.py`

- Fixed installation issue on some systems (issue 234)

- Workaround obscure failure message from unittest if Python < 3.4 and
:mod:`singledispatch` cannot be imported (issue 235)



New features

- Experimental alternative way to preserve R objects from garbage collection.
This can be activated with `rinterface.initr(r_preservehash=True)` (default
is `False`.

- :class:`GGPlot` object getting a method :meth:`save`
mirroring R's `ggplot2::ggsave()`.

- The conversion system is now using generics/single dispatch.

- New module :mod:`rpy2.ipython.html` with HTML display for rpy2 objects

- [Experimental] New function :func:`robjects.methods.rs4instance_factory`
to type RS4 objects with more specificity.


- The script `setup.py` was rewritten for clarity and ease of maintenance.
Now it only uses `setuptools`.



Bugs fixed

- Use `input` rather than `raw_input` in the default console callback
with Python 3 (fixes issue 222)

- Issues with conversions, pandas, and rmagic (fixes issue 218 and more)

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