
Latest version: v0.99.2

Safety actively analyzes 666166 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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Bug fixed

- Building on Win64 (pull request 6)

- Fetching data from an R package through `importr` was masking
any R object called `data` in that package. The data are now
under the attribute name `__rdata__`. This is not completely
safe either, although much less likely, a warning will
be issued if still masking anything.


- More informative error message when failing to build because `R CMD config`
does not return what is expected



Bugs fixed

- default console print callback with Python (issue 112 linked to it)

- deprecation warnings with ggplot2 (issue 111 and contributed patch)



New Features


- C-level API, allowing other C-level modules to make use of utilities
without going through the Python level. The exact definition of
the API is not yet fixed. For now there is
PyRinteractive_IsInitialized() to assess whether R was initialized
(through :mod:`rpy2.rinterface` or not).

- C-module _rpy_device, allowing one to implement R graphical devices
in Python [(very) experimental]

- Tracking of R objects kept protected from garbage collection by rpy2
is now possible.

- New method :meth:`Sexp.rid` to return the identifier of the R object
represented by a Python/rpy2 object


- Dynamic build of Python docstrings out of the R manual pages


- Build dynamic help


- Build anonymous R packages from strings

- When using :func:`importr`, the datasets are added as an attribute
:attr:`data`, itself an instance of a new class :class:`PackageData`.
It no longer possible to access datasets are regular objects from
a code package (because of changes in R), and the new system is
more robust against quirks.



- :attr:`SexpClosure.env` to replace the method `closureenv`.



Bugs fixed

- Newest R-2.15 and ggplot2 0.9 broke the ggplot2 interaface
in :mod:`rpy2.robjects.lib.ggplot2`



Bugs fixed

- install process: Library location for some of the R installations

- should compile on win32 (thanks to a patch from Evgeny Cherkashin),
a work to a limited extend



Bugs fixed

- Memory leak when creating R vectors from Python (issue 82)

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