
Latest version: v0.99.2

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New Features


- :meth:`process_revents`, a Wrapper for R_ProcessEvents
( suggested by June Kim to help with issues related to interactive display on win32),
and for R_RunHandlers on UNIX-like systems
( patch by Nathaniel Smith).

- All callbacks are getting a get<callback> to complement the set<callback>.
( Patch by Nathaniel Smith)

- :meth:`Sexp.__deepcopy__` to copy an object (calling Rf_Duplicate)
( from a patch by Nathaniel Smith)


- the default for reading and writing the console are now using sys.stdin and sys.stdout
( patch submitted by Nathaniel Smith)

- console IO callbacks (reading and writing) are complemented by
one to flush the console

- :meth:`Sexp.do_slot_assign` now creates the slot if missing
(design-fix - patch by Nathaniel Smith)

Bugs fixed

- fixed problem of numpy interface with R boolean vectors.
They are now presented as 'i' rather than 'b' to numpy
( patch submitted by Nathaniel Smith)

- The mechanism for setting arbitrary callaback functions for console I/O
now ensures that a traceback is printed to stderr whenever an error
occurs during the evalutation of the callback (the raised exception used
to be silently propagated to the next python call, leading to problems).



Bugs fixed

- Fix installation bug when the include directories contain either '-' or 'I'
spotted by James Yoo

- Failing to initialize R now throws a RuntimeError

- Copying an R "NA" into Python returns a None (and no longer a True)
(fixes a bug reported by Jeff Gentry)



New features


- Property `names` for the :class:`RVector` methods :meth:`getnames`
and :meth:`setnames` (this was likely forgotten for Release 2.0.0).

- Property `rclass` for :class:`RObjectMixin`



- :meth:`rclass` becomes :meth:`getrclass`

Bugs fixed

- Having the environment variable R_HOME specified resulted in an error
when importing :mod:`rpy2.rinterface` root of the problem spotted by Peter

- Setup.py has no longer a (possibly outdated) static hardcoded version number
for rpy2

- Testing no longer stops with an error in the absence of the third-party
module :mod:`numpy`

- :meth:`rpy2.rlike.container.TaggedList.pop` is now returning the element
matching the given index



New features

- New module :mod:`rpy2.robjects.conversion`.

- New module :mod:`rpy2.robjects.numpy2ri` to convert :mod:`numpy` objects
into :mod:`rpy2` objects.
adapted from a patch contributed by Nathaniel Smith


- :meth:`RObject.__repr__` moved to :meth:`RObject.r_repr`

Bugs fixed

- Informative message returned as RuntimeError when failing to find R's HOME

- Use the registry to find the R's HOME on win32
snatched from Peter's earlier contribution to rpy-1.x



New features

- added :data:`__version__` to rpy2/__init__.py


- added classes :class:`StrVector`, :class:`IntVector`, :class:`FloatVector`, :class:`BoolVector`


- added missing class :class:`BoolSexpVector`.



- does not alias :class:`rinterface.StrSexpVector`, :class:`rinterface.IntSexpVector`, :class:`rinterface.FloatSexpVector` anymore

- Constructor for :class:`rpy2.robjects.RDataFrame` checks that R lists are data.frames (not all lists are data.frame)

- Formerly new attribute :attr:`_dotter` for :class:`R` is now gone. The documentaion now points to :mod:`rpy2.rpy_classic` for this sort of things.

Bugs fixed

- conditional typedef in rinterface.c to compile under win32 reported and initial proposed fix from Paul Harrington

- __pow__ was missing from the delegator object for robjects.RVector (while the documentation was claiming it was there) bug report by Robert Nuske

- Earlier change from Sexp.typeof() to getter Sexp.typeof was not reflected in :mod:`rpy2.rpy_classic` bug report by Robert Denham



New features


- added :meth:`setenvironment` for :class:`RFormula`, and defined `environment` as a property

- defined `names` as a property for :class:`RVector`


- added functions :func:`get_initoptions` and :func:`set_initoptions`.

- new attribute :attr:`_dotter` for :class:`R` singleton. Setting it to True will translate '_' into '.' if the attribute is not found



- constructor for RDataFrame now now accepts either :class:`rlike.container.TaggedList` or :class:`rinterface.SexpVector`


- :func:`sexpTypeEmbeddedR` is now called :func:`str_typeint`.

- :attr:`initOptions` is now called :attr:`initoptions`. Changes of options can only be done through :func:`set_initoptions`.

Bugs fixed

- crash of :meth:`Sexp.enclos` when R not yet initialized (bug report 2078176)

- potential crash of :meth:`Sexp.frame` when R not yet initialized

- proper reference counting when handling, and deleting, :attr:`Sexp.__sexp__` generated CObjects

- setup.py: get properly the include directories (no matter where they are) bug report and fix adapted from Robert Nuske

- setup.py: link to external lapack or blas library when relevant

- added a MANIFEST.in ensuring that headers get included in the source distribution missing headers reported by Nicholas Lewin-Koh

- :func:`rinterface.str_typeint` was causing segfault when called with 99

- fixed subsetting for LANGSXP objects

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