
Latest version: v0.51.0

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Pull Requests Merged

Bugs fixed

* [PR 433]( - Fix native_msg readers standard_names to match other satpy readers
* [PR 432]( - Fix reader config loading so it raises exception for bad reader name
* [PR 428]( - Fix start_time and end_time being lists in native_msg reader
* [PR 426]( - Fix hrit_jma reader not having satellite lon/lat/alt info
* [PR 423]( - Fixed that save_dataset does not propagate fill_value
* [PR 421]( - Fix masking and simplify avhrr_aapp_l1b reader
* [PR 413]( - Fix calculating solar zenith angle in eps_l1b reader
* [PR 412]( - Fix platform_name and sensor not being added by avhrr eps l1b reader

Features added

* [PR 415]( - Add hrit_jma file patterns that don't include segments

In this release 9 pull requests were closed.


Issues Closed

* [Issue 336]( - Scene crop does not compare all dataset areas ([PR 406](

In this release 1 issue was closed.

Pull Requests Merged

Bugs fixed

* [PR 409]( - Fix viirs_sdr reading of aggregated files
* [PR 406]( - Fix Scene crop so new areas are consistent with resolution ([336](

In this release 2 pull requests were closed.


Pull Requests Merged

Bugs fixed

* [PR 402]( - Fix 'platform_name' metadata in ACSPO and CLAVR-x readers
* [PR 401]( - Wrap solar and satellite angles in xarray in AVHRR AAPP reader

In this release 2 pull requests were closed.


Issues Closed

* [Issue 388]( - SCMI Writer raises exception with lettered grids ([PR 389](
* [Issue 385]( - No platform_name and sensor in dataset metadata for avhrr_aapp_l1b reader ([PR 386](
* [Issue 379]( - Data is not masked when loading calibrated GOES HRIT data ([PR 380](
* [Issue 377]( - Unmasked data when using DayNightCompositor ([PR 378](
* [Issue 372]( - "find_files_and_readers" doesn't work on Windows ([PR 373](
* [Issue 364]( - Unable to load individual channels from VIIRS_SDR data.
* [Issue 350]( - Creating a Scene object with NOAA-15/18 data
* [Issue 347]( - No image is shown in Jupyter notebook via
* [Issue 345]( - Future warning - xarray ([PR 352](

In this release 9 issues were closed.

Pull Requests Merged

Bugs fixed

* [PR 395]( - Fix DayNightCompositor not checking inputs areas
* [PR 391]( - Fix native resampler using SwathDefinition as an AreaDefinition
* [PR 387]( - Fix enhancement config loading when yaml file is empty
* [PR 386]( - Add platform_name and sensor in avhrr_aapp_l1b reader ([385](
* [PR 381]( - Fix keyword arguments not being properly passed to writers
* [PR 362]( - Replace by np.nanmean for pixel aggregation
* [PR 361]( - Remove Rayleigh correction from abi natural composite
* [PR 360]( - Fix lookup table enhancement for multi-band datasets
* [PR 339]( - fixed meteosat native georeferencing

Documentation changes

* [PR 359]( - Add examples from pytroll-examples to documentation

In this release 10 pull requests were closed.


Issues Closed

* [Issue 344]( - find_files_and_reader does not seem to care about start_time! ([PR 349](
* [Issue 338]( - Creating a Scene object with Terra MODIS data
* [Issue 332]( - Non-requested datasets are saved when composites fail to generate ([PR 342](

In this release 3 issues were closed.

Pull Requests Merged

Bugs fixed

* [PR 355]( - Fix ABI L1B reader losing file variable attributes
* [PR 353]( - Fix multiscene memory issues by adding an optional batch_size
* [PR 351]( - Fix AMSR-2 L1B reader loading bytes incorrectly
* [PR 349]( - Fix datetime-based file selection when filename only has a start time ([344](
* [PR 348]( - Fix freezing of areas before resampling even as strings
* [PR 343]( - Fix shape assertion after resampling
* [PR 342]( - Fix Scene save_datasets to only save datasets from the wishlist ([332](
* [PR 341]( - Fix ancillary variable loading when anc var is already loaded
* [PR 340]( - Cut radiances array depending on number of scans

In this release 9 pull requests were closed.


Issues Closed

* [Issue 328]( - hrit reader bugs ([PR 329](
* [Issue 323]( - "Manual" application of corrections
* [Issue 320]( - Overview of code layout
* [Issue 279]( - Add 'level' to DatasetID ([PR 283](
* [Issue 272]( - How to save region of interest from Band 3 Himawari Data as png image ([PR 276](
* [Issue 267]( - Missing dependency causes strange error during unit tests ([PR 273](
* [Issue 244]( - Fix NUCAPS reader for NUCAPS EDR v2 files ([PR 326](
* [Issue 236]( - scene.resample(cache_dir=) fails with TypeError: Unicode-objects must be encoded before hashing
* [Issue 233]( - IOError: Unable to read attribute (no appropriate function for conversion path)
* [Issue 211]( - Fix OLCI and other readers' file patterns to work on Windows
* [Issue 207]( - Method not fully documented in terms of possible key word arguments
* [Issue 199]( - Reading Modis file produce a double image
* [Issue 168]( - Cannot read MODIS data
* [Issue 167]( - KeyError 'v' using Scene(base_dir=, reader=) ([PR 325](
* [Issue 165]( - HRIT GOES reader is broken ([PR 303](
* [Issue 160]( - Inconsistent naming of optional datasets in composite configs and compositors
* [Issue 157]( - Add animation example ([PR 322](
* [Issue 156]( - Add cartopy example
* [Issue 146]( - Add default null log handler
* [Issue 123]( - NetCDF writer doesn't work ([PR 307](
* [Issue 114]( - Print a list of available sensors/readers
* [Issue 82]( - Separate file discovery from Scene init
* [Issue 61]( - Creating composites post-load
* [Issue 10]( - Optimize CREFL for memory

In this release 24 issues were closed.

Pull Requests Merged

Bugs fixed

* [PR 331]( - Adapt slstr reader to xarray&dask
* [PR 329]( - issue#328: fixed bugs loading JMA HRIT files ([328](
* [PR 326]( - Fix nucaps reader for NUCAPS EDR v2 files ([244](, [244](
* [PR 325]( - Fix exception when Scene is given reader and base_dir ([167](
* [PR 319]( - Fix msi reader delayed
* [PR 318]( - Fix nir reflectance to use XArray
* [PR 312]( - Allow custom regions in ahi-hsd file patterns
* [PR 311]( - Allow valid_range to be a tuple for cloud product colorization
* [PR 303]( - Fix hrit goes to support python 3 ([165](
* [PR 288]( - Fix hrit-goes reader
* [PR 192]( - Clip day and night composites after enhancement

Features added

* [PR 315]( - Add slicing to Scene
* [PR 314]( - Feature mitiff writer
* [PR 307]( - Fix projections in cf writer ([123](
* [PR 305]( - Add support for geolocation and angles to msi reader
* [PR 302]( - Workaround the LinearNDInterpolator thread-safety issue for Sentinel 1 SAR geolocation
* [PR 301]( - Factorize header definitions between hrit_msg and native_msg. Fix a bug in header definition.
* [PR 298]( - Implement sentinel 2 MSI reader
* [PR 294]( - Add the ocean color product to olci
* [PR 153]( - [WIP] Improve compatibility of cf_writer with CF-conventions

In this release 20 pull requests were closed.

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