
Latest version: v0.54.0

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Issues Closed

* [Issue 584]( - DayNightCompositor does not work with eg overview_sun as the day part ([PR 593](
* [Issue 577]( - Creation of composites using `sunz_corrected` modifier fails with VIIRS SDR data
* [Issue 569]( - Can not show or save ABI true color image (RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in log)
* [Issue 531]( - Mask space pixels in AHI HSD reader ([PR 592](
* [Issue 106]( - Warnings

In this release 5 issues were closed.

Pull Requests Merged

Bugs fixed

* [PR 594]( - Fix VIIRS L1B reader not using standard 'y' and 'x' dimension names
* [PR 593]( - Fix sunz_corrected modifier adding unnecessary x and y coordinates ([587](, [584](
* [PR 592]( - Fix masking of AHI HSD space pixels ([531](
* [PR 589]( - Fix dask not importing sharedict automatically in dask 1.1+
* [PR 588]( - Fix start_time type in seviri_l1b_nc reader
* [PR 585]( - Fix geotiff writer not using fill_value from writer YAML config
* [PR 572]( - Fix VIIRS SDR masking and distracting colors in composites
* [PR 570]( - Fix CF epoch for xarray compat
* [PR 563]( - Fix StopIteration and python 3.7 compatibility issue in MultiScene
* [PR 554]( - Fix AreaDefinition usage to work with newer versions of pyresample

Features added

* [PR 561]( - Add AHI HRIT B07 files for high resolution night data

Documentation changes

* [PR 590]( - Add FAQ page to docs
* [PR 575]( - Add page for data download resources
* [PR 574]( - Add code of conduct

In this release 14 pull requests were closed.


Pull Requests Merged

Bugs fixed

* [PR 560]( - Fix available_composite_ids including inline comp dependencies

In this release 1 pull request was closed.


Issues Closed

* [Issue 555]( - GOES-16 geolocation seems off when saving as TIFF
* [Issue 552]( - GOES Composites failling ([PR 553](
* [Issue 534]( - Support GOES-15 in netcdf format from Eumetcast (`nc_goes` reader) ([PR 530](
* [Issue 527]( - [SEP] Reader naming conventions ([PR 546](
* [Issue 518]( - Make bilinear interpolation dask/xarray friendly ([PR 519](
* [Issue 467]( - Flake8-ify all of satpy ([PR 515](
* [Issue 459]( - How to colorize images
* [Issue 449]( - Adding coastlines to single channel not working ([PR 551](
* [Issue 337]( - Plot true color by using VIIRS SDR
* [Issue 333]( - `available_readers` to detail unavailable items
* [Issue 263]( - How to get the available dataset names from the reader
* [Issue 147]( - SEVIRI HRIT reading: More userfriendly warning when no EPI/PRO files are present ([PR 452](

In this release 12 issues were closed.

Pull Requests Merged

Bugs fixed

* [PR 556]( - Fix turning off enhancements in writers for float data
* [PR 553]( - Fix DifferenceCompositor and other compositors when areas are incompatible ([552](, [552](
* [PR 550]( - Fix AHI HRIT file patterns so area's ID is correct
* [PR 548]( - Fix ratio sharpening compositors when the ratio is negative
* [PR 547]( - Fix EWA resampling for new versions of pyresample
* [PR 542]( - Fix palette application for pps 2018 products
* [PR 508]( - Fix the cf_writer to accept single-valued time coordinate variable

Features added

* [PR 558]( - Make counts available in ahi_hsd
* [PR 551]( - Fix image overlays for single band data (requires trollimage 1.6+) ([449](
* [PR 549]( - Fix nwcpps ct palette from v2018 to be backwards compatible
* [PR 546]( - Rename readers to meet new reader naming scheme ([527](
* [PR 545]( - Add configurable parameters to solar zenith correctors
* [PR 530]( - Add reader for Goes15 netcdf Eumetsat format ([534](
* [PR 519]( - Add xarray/dask bilinear resampling ([518](
* [PR 507]( - Change default enhancement for reflectance data to gamma 1.5
* [PR 452]( - Improve handling of missing file requirements in readers ([147](

Documentation changes

* [PR 533]( - Fix copy/paste error in readers table for viirs_l1b
* [PR 515]( - Fix all flake8 errors in satpy package code ([467](

Backwards incompatible changes

* [PR 546]( - Rename readers to meet new reader naming scheme ([527](
* [PR 507]( - Change default enhancement for reflectance data to gamma 1.5

In this release 20 pull requests were closed.


Issues Closed

* [Issue 491]( - Area definition of incomplete SEVIRI images
* [Issue 487]( - Resampling a User Defined Scene
* [Issue 465]( - Native resampler fails with 3D DataArrays ([PR 468](
* [Issue 464]( - Drawing coastlines/borders with save_datasets ([PR 469](
* [Issue 453]( - Review subclasses of BaseFileHander ([PR 455](
* [Issue 450]( - Allow readers to accept pathlib.Path instances ([PR 451](
* [Issue 445]( - Readthedocs builds are failing
* [Issue 439]( - KeyError when creating true_color for ABI
* [Issue 417]( - Add custom string formatter for lower/upper support
* [Issue 414]( - Inconsistent units of geostationary radiances ([PR 490](
* [Issue 405]( - Angle interpolation for MODIS data missing ([PR 430](
* [Issue 397]( - Add README to description ([PR 443](
* [Issue 369]( - Mitiff writer is broken ([PR 480](

In this release 13 issues were closed.

Pull Requests Merged

Bugs fixed

* [PR 510]( - Make sure a discrete data type is preserved through resampling
* [PR 506]( - Remove dependency on nc_nwcsaf_msg
* [PR 504]( - Change unnecessary warning messages to debug
* [PR 496]( - Add more descriptive names to AHI readers AreaDefinition names
* [PR 492]( - Fix thinned modis reading in 'hdfeos_l1b' reader
* [PR 480]( - Fix 'mitiff' writer to use 'base_dir' properly ([369](
* [PR 476]( - Fix handling of navigation in a grib file with lons greater than 180
* [PR 473]( - Change combine_metadata to average any 'time' fields
* [PR 471]( - Fix offset between VIS+IR and HRV navigation for hrit seviri
* [PR 469]( - Fix attributes not being preserved when adding overlays or decorations ([464](
* [PR 468]( - Fix native resampling when RGBs are resampled ([465](
* [PR 458]( - Fix the slstr reader for consistency and tir view
* [PR 456]( - Fix SCMI writer not writing fill values properly
* [PR 448]( - Fix saving a dataset with a prerequisites attrs to netcdf
* [PR 447]( - Fix masking in DayNightCompositor when composites have partial missing data
* [PR 446]( - Fix nc_nwcsaf_msg reader's handling of projection units

Features added

* [PR 503]( - Add two luminance sharpening compositors
* [PR 498]( - Make it possible to configure in-line composites
* [PR 488]( - Add the check_satpy function to find missing dependencies
* [PR 481]( - Refactor SCMI writer to be dask friendly
* [PR 478]( - Allow writers to create output directories if they don't exist
* [PR 477]( - Add additional metadata to ABI L1B DataArrays
* [PR 474]( - Improve handling of dependency loading when reader has multiple matches
* [PR 463]( - MSG Level1.5 NetCDF Reader (code and yaml file) for VIS/IR Channels
* [PR 455]( - Ensure file handlers all use filenames as strings ([453](
* [PR 451]( - Allow readers to accept pathlib.Path instances as filenames. ([450](
* [PR 442]( - Replace areas.def with areas.yaml
* [PR 441]( - Fix metop reader
* [PR 438]( - Feature new olcil2 datasets
* [PR 436]( - Allow on-the-fly decompression of xRIT files in xRIT readers
* [PR 430]( - Implement fast modis lon/lat and angles interpolation ([405](

Documentation changes

* [PR 501]( - Add DOI role and reference to Zinke DNB method
* [PR 489]( - Add a first version on how to write a custom reader
* [PR 444]( - Fix the readers table in the sphinx docs so it wraps text
* [PR 443]( - Add long_description to ([397](
* [PR 440]( - Fix CI badges in README

Backwards incompatible changes

* [PR 485]( - Deprecate 'enhancement_config' keyword argument in favor of 'enhance'

In this release 37 pull requests were closed.


Pull Requests Merged

Bugs fixed

* [PR 433]( - Fix native_msg readers standard_names to match other satpy readers
* [PR 432]( - Fix reader config loading so it raises exception for bad reader name
* [PR 428]( - Fix start_time and end_time being lists in native_msg reader
* [PR 426]( - Fix hrit_jma reader not having satellite lon/lat/alt info
* [PR 423]( - Fixed that save_dataset does not propagate fill_value
* [PR 421]( - Fix masking and simplify avhrr_aapp_l1b reader
* [PR 413]( - Fix calculating solar zenith angle in eps_l1b reader
* [PR 412]( - Fix platform_name and sensor not being added by avhrr eps l1b reader

Features added

* [PR 415]( - Add hrit_jma file patterns that don't include segments

In this release 9 pull requests were closed.


Issues Closed

* [Issue 336]( - Scene crop does not compare all dataset areas ([PR 406](

In this release 1 issue was closed.

Pull Requests Merged

Bugs fixed

* [PR 409]( - Fix viirs_sdr reading of aggregated files
* [PR 406]( - Fix Scene crop so new areas are consistent with resolution ([336](

In this release 2 pull requests were closed.

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