Issues Closed
* [Issue 584]( - DayNightCompositor does not work with eg overview_sun as the day part ([PR 593](
* [Issue 577]( - Creation of composites using `sunz_corrected` modifier fails with VIIRS SDR data
* [Issue 569]( - Can not show or save ABI true color image (RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in log)
* [Issue 531]( - Mask space pixels in AHI HSD reader ([PR 592](
* [Issue 106]( - Warnings
In this release 5 issues were closed.
Pull Requests Merged
Bugs fixed
* [PR 594]( - Fix VIIRS L1B reader not using standard 'y' and 'x' dimension names
* [PR 593]( - Fix sunz_corrected modifier adding unnecessary x and y coordinates ([587](, [584](
* [PR 592]( - Fix masking of AHI HSD space pixels ([531](
* [PR 589]( - Fix dask not importing sharedict automatically in dask 1.1+
* [PR 588]( - Fix start_time type in seviri_l1b_nc reader
* [PR 585]( - Fix geotiff writer not using fill_value from writer YAML config
* [PR 572]( - Fix VIIRS SDR masking and distracting colors in composites
* [PR 570]( - Fix CF epoch for xarray compat
* [PR 563]( - Fix StopIteration and python 3.7 compatibility issue in MultiScene
* [PR 554]( - Fix AreaDefinition usage to work with newer versions of pyresample
Features added
* [PR 561]( - Add AHI HRIT B07 files for high resolution night data
Documentation changes
* [PR 590]( - Add FAQ page to docs
* [PR 575]( - Add page for data download resources
* [PR 574]( - Add code of conduct
In this release 14 pull requests were closed.