
Latest version: v0.54.0

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Issues Closed

* [Issue 1124]( - Crop scene of visual spectrum of the sentinel 2 satellite ([PR 1125](
* [Issue 1112]( - Loading both abi and nwcsaf-geo confuses satpy into sometimes trying the wrong composite ([PR 1113](
* [Issue 1096]( - Saving an image with NinjoTIFFWriter is broken in satpy v.0.20.0 ([PR 1098](
* [Issue 1092]( - Avhrr l1b eps reader changes values of angles after reading ([PR 1101](
* [Issue 1087]( - Saving each scene in a separate image file
* [Issue 1075]( - SEVIRI L1b netCDF reader not dask-compliant ([PR 1109](
* [Issue 1059]( - test against xarray master ([PR 1095](
* [Issue 1013]( - Fails to load solar_zenith_angle from SLSTR l1b data
* [Issue 883]( - satpy resample call -> numby.ndarray deepcopy error ([PR 1126](
* [Issue 840]( - MTG-FCI-FDHSI reader has wrong projection ([PR 845](
* [Issue 630]( - Converting hdf5 attributes to string containing h5py.Reference of size 1 causes a AttributeError ([PR 1126](

In this release 11 issues were closed.

Pull Requests Merged

Bugs fixed

* [PR 1131]( - Fix geostationary utilities assuming a/b radii are always available
* [PR 1129]( - Make the viirs_sdr reader return float32s
* [PR 1125]( - Fix Scene.crop using PROJ definition to create target area definition ([1124](
* [PR 1118]( - Fix supported Python version in devguide
* [PR 1116]( - Make an alias for the snow composite in viirs
* [PR 1115]( - Fix mitiff writer to support sensors as a set
* [PR 1113]( - Add sensor-name property to NWCSAF readers ([1112](, [1111](
* [PR 1107]( - Raise an error if data and angle shapes don't match in NIRReflectance
* [PR 1106]( - Scale valid range if available.
* [PR 1101]( - Fix eps l1b angles computation returning non deterministic results ([1092](
* [PR 1098]( - Fix ninjotiff writer tests failing when pyninjotiff is installed ([1096](
* [PR 1089]( - Make sunz correction use available sunz dataset
* [PR 1038]( - Switch to pyproj for projection to CF NetCDF grid mapping ([1029](, [1029](

Features added

* [PR 1128]( - Add tm5_constant_a and tm5_constant_b for tropomi_l2
* [PR 1126]( - Update omps edr reader and hdf5_utils to handle OMPS SO2 data from FMI ([883](, [630](
* [PR 1121]( - HY-2B scatterometer l2b hdf5 reader
* [PR 1117]( - Add support for satpy.composites entry points
* [PR 1113]( - Add sensor-name property to NWCSAF readers ([1112](, [1111](
* [PR 1109]( - Fix dask and attribute issue in seviri_l1b_nc reader ([1075](
* [PR 1095]( - Switch to pytest in CI and add unstable dependency environment ([1059](
* [PR 1091]( - Add assembled_lat_bounds, assembled_lon_bounds and time variables
* [PR 1071]( - Add SEVIRI L2 GRIB reader
* [PR 1044]( - Set travis and appveyor numpy version back to 'stable'
* [PR 845]( - MTG: get projection and extent information from file ([840](, [840](
* [PR 606]( - Add enhanced (more natural) version of natural colors composite

Documentation changes

* [PR 1130]( - Add note about datatype in custom reader documentation
* [PR 1118]( - Fix supported Python version in devguide


Issues Closed

* [Issue 1077]( - Tropomi l2 reader needs to handle more filenames ([PR 1078](
* [Issue 1076]( - Metop level 2 EUMETCAST BUFR reader ([PR 1079](
* [Issue 1004]( - Computing the lons and lats of metop granules from the eps_l1b reader is painfully slow ([PR 1063](
* [Issue 1002]( - Resampling of long passes of metop l1b eps data gives strange results
* [Issue 928]( - Satpy Writer 'geotiff' exists but could not be loaded
* [Issue 924]( - eps_l1b reader does not accept more than 1 veadr element ([PR 1063](
* [Issue 809]( - Update avhrr_l1b_aapp reader ([PR 811](
* [Issue 112]( - Python 2 Cruft ([PR 1047](

In this release 8 issues were closed.

Pull Requests Merged

Bugs fixed

* [PR 1084]( - Add latitude_bounds and longitude_bounds to tropomi_l2
* [PR 1078]( - Tropomi l2 reader to handle more types of products ([1077](
* [PR 1072]( - Fix the omerc-bb area to use a sphere as ellps
* [PR 1066]( - Rename natural_color_sun to natural_color in generic VIS/IR RGB recipes
* [PR 1063]( - Fix eps infinite loop ([924](, [1004](
* [PR 1058]( - Work around changes in xarray 0.15
* [PR 1057]( - lowercase the sensor name
* [PR 1055]( - Fix sst standard name
* [PR 1049]( - Fix handling of paths with forward slashes on Windows
* [PR 1048]( - Fix AMI L1b reader incorrectly grouping files
* [PR 1045]( - Update for new pygac syntax
* [PR 1043]( - Update seviri icare reader that handles differing dataset versions
* [PR 1042]( - Replace a unicode hyphen in the glm_l2 reader
* [PR 1041]( - Unify Dataset attribute naming in SEVIRI L2 BUFR-reader

Features added

* [PR 1082]( - Update SLSTR composites
* [PR 1079]( - Metop level 2 EUMETCAST BUFR reader ([1076](
* [PR 1067]( - Add GOES-17 support to the 'geocat' reader
* [PR 1065]( - Add AHI airmass, ash, dust, fog, and night_microphysics RGBs
* [PR 1064]( - Adjust default blending in DayNightCompositor
* [PR 1061]( - Add support for NUCAPS Science EDRs
* [PR 1052]( - Delegate dask delays to pyninjotiff
* [PR 1047]( - Remove deprecated abstractproperty usage ([112](
* [PR 1020]( - Feature Sentinel-3 Level-2 SST
* [PR 988]( - Remove py27 tests and switch to py38
* [PR 964]( - Update SEVIRI L2 BUFR reader to handle BUFR products from EUMETSAT Data Centre
* [PR 839]( - Add support of colorbar
* [PR 811]( - Daskify and test avhrr_l1b_aapp reader ([809](

Documentation changes

* [PR 1068]( - Fix a typo in writer 'filename' documentation
* [PR 1056]( - Fix name of natural_color composite in quickstart

Backwards incompatible changes

* [PR 1066]( - Rename natural_color_sun to natural_color in generic VIS/IR RGB recipes
* [PR 988]( - Remove py27 tests and switch to py38

In this release 31 pull requests were closed.


Issues Closed

* [Issue 1030]( - Geostationary padding results in wrong area definition for AHI mesoscale sectors. ([PR 1037](
* [Issue 1029]( - NetCDF (CF) writer doesn't include semi_minor_axis/semi_major_axis for new versions of pyproj ([PR 1040](
* [Issue 1023]( - RTD "Edit on Github" broken in "latest" documentation

In this release 3 issues were closed.

Pull Requests Merged

Bugs fixed

* [PR 1040]( - Fix geostationary axis handling in CF writer ([1029](
* [PR 1037]( - Fix segment handling for non-FLDK sectors in the AHI HSD reader ([1030](
* [PR 1036]( - Fix ABI L1b/L2 time dimension causing issues with newer xarray
* [PR 1034]( - Fix AMI geolocation being off by 1 pixel
* [PR 1033]( - Fix avhrr_l1b_aapp reader not including standard_name metadata
* [PR 1031]( - Fix tropomi_l2 reader not using y and x dimension names

Features added

* [PR 1035]( - Add additional Sentinel 3 OLCI 2 datasets
* [PR 1027]( - Update SCMI writer and VIIRS EDR Flood reader to work for pre-tiled data

Documentation changes

* [PR 1032]( - Add documentation about y and x dimensions for custom readers

In this release 9 pull requests were closed.


Issues Closed

* [Issue 996]( - In the sar-c_safe reader, add platform_name to the attribute. ([PR 998](
* [Issue 991]( - Secondary file name patterns aren't used if the first doesn't match
* [Issue 975]( - Add HRV navigation to `seviri_l1b_native`-reader ([PR 985](
* [Issue 972]( - MTG-FCI-FDHSI reader is slow, apparently not actually dask-aware ([PR 981](
* [Issue 970]( - Pad all geostationary L1 data to full disk area ([PR 977](
* [Issue 960]( - Factorize area def computation in jma_hrit ([PR 978](
* [Issue 957]( - Rayleigh correction in bands l2 of the ABI sensor
* [Issue 954]( - Mask composites using cloud products ([PR 982](
* [Issue 949]( - Make a common function for geostationnary area_extent computation ([PR 952](
* [Issue 807]( - Add a MIMIC-TPW2 reader ([PR 858](
* [Issue 782]( - Update custom reader documentation to mention coordinates and available datasets ([PR 1019](
* [Issue 486]( - Add GMS series satellite data reader

In this release 12 issues were closed.

Pull Requests Merged

Bugs fixed

* [PR 1021]( - Fix padding of segmented geostationary images
* [PR 1010]( - Fix missing part in ahi_hrit file pattern
* [PR 1007]( - Fix `ahi_hrit` expected segments
* [PR 1006]( - Rename standard_name for various readers to be consistent
* [PR 993]( - Fix VIIRS EDR Flood file patterns not working for AOI files ([243](
* [PR 989]( - Fix generation of solar and satellite angles when lon/lats are invalid
* [PR 976]( - CF Writer Improvements
* [PR 974]( - Fix available_composite_names including night_background static images ([239](
* [PR 969]( - Fix HDF4 handling of scalar attributes
* [PR 966]( - Add the fire temperature products to AHI
* [PR 931]( - Update

Features added

* [PR 1012]( - Implement a small cviirs speedup
* [PR 1011]( - Provide only dask arrays to pyspectral's nir reflectance computation
* [PR 1009]( - Add support for SEVIRI data from icare
* [PR 1005]( - Remove unused reader xslice/yslice keyword arguments
* [PR 1003]( - Update copyright header in readers. Add and fix docstrings.
* [PR 998]( - Add platform name to attributes of sar_c_safe reader ([996](
* [PR 997]( - Add check if prerequisites is used
* [PR 994]( - Add LAC support to the avhrr-gac-lac reader
* [PR 992]( - Add hrv_clouds, hrv_fog and natural_with_night_fog composites to seviri.yaml
* [PR 987]( - scene.aggregate will now handle a SwathDefinition
* [PR 985]( - Add HRV full disk navigation for `seviri_l1b_native`-reader ([975](
* [PR 984]( - Add on-the-fly decompression to the AHI HSD reader
* [PR 982]( - Add simple masking compositor ([954](
* [PR 981]( - Optionally cache small data variables and file handles ([972](
* [PR 980]( - Read the meta_data dictionary from pygac
* [PR 978]( - Factorize area computation in hrit_jma ([960](
* [PR 977]( - Add a YAMLReader to pad segmented geo data ([970](
* [PR 976]( - CF Writer Improvements
* [PR 966]( - Add the fire temperature products to AHI
* [PR 962]( - add support for meteo file in OLCI L1B reader
* [PR 961]( - Fix default radius_of_influence for lon/lat AreaDefintions
* [PR 952]( - Adds a common function for geostationary projection / area definition calculations ([949](
* [PR 920]( - Transverse Mercator section added in cf writer
* [PR 908]( - Add interface to pyresample gradient resampler
* [PR 858]( - Mimic TPW Reader ([807](
* [PR 854]( - Add GOES-R GLM L2 Gridded product reader and small ABI L1b changes

Documentation changes

* [PR 1025]( - Switch to configuration file for readthedocs
* [PR 1019]( - Add more information about creating custom readers ([782](
* [PR 1018]( - Add information to Quickstart on basics of getting measurement values and navigation
* [PR 1008]( - Add documentation for combine_metadata function
* [PR 1003]( - Update copyright header in readers. Add and fix docstrings.
* [PR 1001]( - Get travis badge from master branch
* [PR 999]( - Add FCI L1C reader short and long name metadata
* [PR 968]( - Add information about multi-threaded compression with geotiff creation

In this release 45 pull requests were closed.


Pull Requests Merged

Bugs fixed

* [PR 959]( - Fix `grid` argument handling in overlaying

In this release 1 pull request was closed.


Issues Closed

* [Issue 944]( - Multiple errors when processing OLCI data. ([PR 945](
* [Issue 940]( - Loading of DNB data from VIIRS compact SDR is slow ([PR 941](
* [Issue 922]( - Clarify orbital_parameters metadata ([PR 950](
* [Issue 888]( - Unintended/wrong behaviour of getitem method in HDF5FileHandler? ([PR 886](
* [Issue 737]( - Add reader for GEO-KOMPSAT AMI ([PR 911](

In this release 5 issues were closed.

Pull Requests Merged

Bugs fixed

* [PR 953]( - Encode header attributes in CF writer
* [PR 945]( - Fix bug in OLCI reader that caused multiple error messages to print ([944](
* [PR 942]( - Fix VIIRS EDR Active Fires not assigning a _FillValue to confidence_pct
* [PR 939]( - Fix MERSI-2 natural_color composite using the wrong band for sharpening
* [PR 938]( - Fix MultiScene.save_animation to work with new dask.distributed versions
* [PR 914]( - Cleaning up and adding MERSI-2 RGB composites

Features added

* [PR 955]( - Code clean-up for SEVIRI L2 BUFR-reader
* [PR 953]( - Encode header attributes in CF writer
* [PR 948]( - Add the possibility to include scale and offset in geotiffs
* [PR 947]( - Feature mitiff palette
* [PR 941]( - Speed up cviirs tiepoint interpolation ([940](
* [PR 935]( - Adapt avhrr_l1b_gaclac to recent pygac changes
* [PR 934]( - Update add_overlay to make use of the full pycoast capabilities
* [PR 911]( - Add GK-2A AMI L1B Reader ([737](
* [PR 886]( - Reader for NWCSAF/MSG 2013 format ([888](
* [PR 769]( - Added initial version of an MSG BUFR reader and TOZ product yaml file
* [PR 586]( - Update handling of reading colormaps from files in enhancements

Documentation changes

* [PR 950]( - Clarify documentation of orbital_parameters metadata ([922](
* [PR 943]( - Fix sphinx docs generation after setuptools_scm migration

In this release 19 pull requests were closed.

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