
Latest version: v0.51.0

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Issues Closed

* [Issue 1900]( - Load composites mixed from files or provided data ([PR1901]( by [djhoese](
* [Issue 1898]( - Loading composites without file handlers fails with KeyError ([PR1899]( by [erritholl](
* [Issue 1893]( - Download and install Satpy for raspberry pi
* [Issue 1889]( - Question: How to release loaded data from memory?
* [Issue 1880]( - Add area definitions corresponding to geostationary imager fields of regard ([PR1881]( by [erritholl](
* [Issue 1879]( - How to use histogram enhancement in yaml files?
* [Issue 1749]( - Load from blended scene ([PR 1797]( by [djhoese](
* [Issue 1747]( - Load composites without file handlers. ([PR 1797]( by [djhoese](
* [Issue 1456]( - Default cache directory should respect XDG Base Directory Specification.
* [Issue 583]( - PPP_CONFIG_DIR set locally does not include the global dir for the eps_l1b reader

In this release 10 issues were closed.

Pull Requests Merged

Bugs fixed

* [PR 1899]( - Fix loading multi-sensor composites for manually added data ([1898](
* [PR 1891]( - Fix file handlers improperly matching some file types
* [PR 1884]( - Fix nucaps reader failing when given multiple input files

Features added

* [PR 1901]( - Update Scene.sensor_names to include sensors from readers and contained data ([1900](
* [PR 1897]( - Update AHI gridded reader to use HTTP instead of FTP
* [PR 1894]( - Add 'seadas_l2' reader for 'chlor_a' product
* [PR 1892]( - Add new pre-commit checks
* [PR 1888]( - Optimize composite YAML loading
* [PR 1885]( - Add optional on-disk zarr caching to sensor angle generation
* [PR 1881]( - Add area definitions for GOES ABI FOR ([1880](
* [PR 1797]( - Allow loading of composites after Scene resampling ([1752](, [1749](, [1747](

Documentation changes

* [PR 1873]( - Fix a typo in the ninjogeotiff documentation

In this release 12 pull requests were closed.


Issues Closed

* [Issue 1866]( - Data Type of AHI NetCDF Output
* [Issue 1859]( - Yaml UnsafeLoader ImportErrror on ([PR1860]( by [arammer](
* [Issue 1853](https://m/pytroll/satpy/pull/1864) by [djhoese](

In this release 12 issues were closed.

Pull Requests Merged

Bugs fixed

* [PR1868]( - Fix MiRS reader not working with new versions of dask
* [PR1860]( - Catch ImportError on UnsafeLoader in composites/config_loader ([1859](
* [PR1855]( - Fix 'acspo' reader producing non-y/x dimension names
* [PR1854]( - Fix 'awips_tiled' writer doing unnecessary attribute formatting
* [PR1849]( - Update AGRI reader to ensure that angles can be correctly loaded.

Features added

* [PR1850]( - Adapt msi-safe to the new product format ([1847](
* [PR1839]( - Add ninjogeotiff writer to write GeoTIFFs including necessary NinJo tags in GDALMetadata ([1838](
* [PR1743]( - Add option to configure group_files behaviour on empty groups in case of multiple readers ([1742](

Documentation changes

* [PR1867]( - Update PDF metadata for sphinx documentation
* [PR1864]( - Update Scene.save_datasets to clarify what will be saved ([1138](
* [PR1862]( - Correct phrasing of upside-down
* [PR1852]( - Fix reference to dask distributed setup page

In this release 12 pull requests were closed.


Issues Closed

* [Issue 1835]( - scipy module error?
* [Issue 1832]( - variable from python to composite
* [Issue 1831]( - example yml files for other readers
* [Issue 1829]( - pytest satpy/tests does not work ([PR1830]( by [djhoese](
* [Issue 1828]( - Error occurred plotting Himawari-8
* [Issue 1484]( - Broken links to new EUMETSAT website ([PR1827]( by [pdeyl](

In this release 6 issues were closed.

Pull Requests Merged

Bugs fixed

* [PR1837]( - Fix config path handling on Windows
* [PR1827]( - Fix eumetsat urls in satpy/readers ([1484](

Documentation changes

* [PR1837]( - Fix config path handling on Windows
* [PR1830]( - Move tests_require to special "tests" extra for easier installation ([1829](
* [PR1827]( - Fix eumetsat urls in satpy/readers ([1484](

In this release 5 pull requests were closed.


Issues Closed

* [Issue 1821]( - Resampling to `true_color_with_night_ir_hires` no longer works. ([PR 1823](
* [Issue 1803]( - how to xRITDecompress files for using satpy
* [Issue 1796]( - Extend use of bz2 compression for input files for seviri_l1b_hrit ([PR 1798](
* [Issue 1794]( - ir_overview vs cloudtop
* [Issue 1793]( - Different `y_bounds` and `x_bounds` shapes of TROPOMI MultiScene
* [Issue 1791]( - Memory usage has increased drastically
* [Issue 1786]( - The `viirs_sdr` reader does not function correctly with `GMODO` geolocation. ([PR 1787](
* [Issue 1783]( - Metadata name problem in HY-2B L2B reader ([PR 1785](
* [Issue 1780]( - What shoud I do if I only want to keep the day part of DayNightCompositor? ([PR 1816](
* [Issue 1779]( - piecewise_linear_stretch didn't work properly on GK-2A AMI data
* [Issue 1773]( - [Question] Geolocation information of FengYun4A (FY-4A) AGRI L1B data ([PR 1782](
* [Issue 1759]( - Ask For Help: How to operate SunZenithCorrector manually?
* [Issue 1750]( - MultiScene.blend does not document the interface for the blend function ([PR 1751](
* [Issue 1745]( - Resampling MODIS Level 1B data
* [Issue 1738]( - available_dataset_names omits composites depending on more than one reader
* [Issue 1730]( - geotiff writer ignores dtype argument, always writes float if enhance=False ([PR 1733](
* [Issue 1728]( - Unable to read HY-2B SCA L2B file
* [Issue 1727]( - 'NoData' area is not black(clean) in the Sentinel-2 MSI output ([PR 1628](
* [Issue 1722]( - 'ModuleNotFoundError' when processing Sentinel-2 MSI data ([PR 1723](
* [Issue 1718]( - Raw metadata handling impacts performance ([PR 1795](
* [Issue 1661]( - Support for clavrx netcdf files ([PR 1716](
* [Issue 1625]( - Part of Sentinel-2 images missing when atmospheric corrected ([PR 1628](
* [Issue 1584]( - to_xarray_dataset on empty scene fails with TypeError ([PR 1698](

In this release 23 issues were closed.

Pull Requests Merged

Bugs fixed

* [PR 1823]( - Fix unify_chunks usage in compositors and fix image mode in BackgroundCompositor ([1821](
* [PR 1814]( - Add missing metadata to MODIS L1b and L2 readers
* [PR 1813]( - Fix composites failing when inputs are different chunk sizes
* [PR 1808]( - Fix ReflectanceCorrector (crefl) for MODIS data
* [PR 1804]( - Fix consistency with nucaps sensor metadata (set/lowercase)
* [PR 1802]( - Add warning in 'awips_tiled' writer when 'units' are too long
* [PR 1800]( - Fix for missing attributes when requesting 'counts' calibration from ABI L1B reader.
* [PR 1792]( - Maintain categorical clavrx data as integer arrays
* [PR 1787]( - Fix 'viirs_sdr' repeating data when TC geolocation was not available ([1786](
* [PR 1784]( - Fix ABI readers not assigning 'platform_name' for GOES-18/19
* [PR 1782]( - Update AGRI/L1 geolocation ([1773](
* [PR 1777]( - Fix mviri l1b fiduceo reader compatibility with newer xarray
* [PR 1776]( - Fix 'awips_tiled' writer producing an invalid y coordinate
* [PR 1774]( - Fix the seviri benchmarks
* [PR 1771]( - Fix VIIRS SDR reader not handling multi-granule files with fewer scans
* [PR 1770]( - Fix CLAVR-x reader and 'awips_tiled' writer to produce AWIPS-compatible output
* [PR 1744]( - Fix VIRR reader handling valid_range when it is a numpy array
* [PR 1734]( - Remove valid_range from attributes in VIRR L1b reader
* [PR 1733]( - Fix geotiff writer ignoring dtype argument ([1730](, [1730](
* [PR 1724]( - Replace doc references to PPP_CONFIG_DIR ([1724](
* [PR 1723]( - Fix package dependencies for the `msi_safe` reader ([1722](
* [PR 1698]( - Fix error when calling to_xarray_dataset on an empty scene ([1584](
* [PR 1628]( - Fix for transposed angles in safe-msi reader ([1727](, [1625](

Features added

* [PR 1824]( - Add additional ACSPO reader file patterns
* [PR 1817]( - Fix ninjotiff writer for mode P
* [PR 1816]( - Add 'day_night' flag to DayNightCompositor for day-only or night-only results ([1780](
* [PR 1815]( - Add MODIS L2 products produced by IMAPP
* [PR 1805]( - Add 'reader' name to all produced DataArrays
* [PR 1801]( - added link to the GOES-2-go package in the docs as a download source.
* [PR 1798]( - Add on-the-fly bz2 decompression for HRIT MSG PRO and EPI files ([1796](
* [PR 1790]( - Add ABI L1B benchmarks
* [PR 1785]( - Feature handle data from HY-2B SCAT files directly from NSOAS ([1783](
* [PR 1772]( - Add access point to global_attrs to netCDF4FileHandler
* [PR 1760]( - Add benchmarks for seviri hrit
* [PR 1720]( - Add a test to ensure seviri hrv has priority over vis008 when requesting 0.8µm
* [PR 1717]( - Add low resolution file patterns for AHI HSD reader
* [PR 1716]( - Update Clavrx reader for netcdf files ([1661](
* [PR 1692]( - Add raw 'counts' calibration to 'abi_l1b' reader
* [PR 1297]( - Add support for MCMIP GOES ABI L2 files ([1162](

Documentation changes

* [PR 1819]( - Fix invalid YAML syntax in enhancement documentation
* [PR 1801]( - added link to the GOES-2-go package in the docs as a download source.
* [PR 1765]( - Add missing demo data directory entry to config documentation
* [PR 1751]( - Improve documentation for MultiScene.blend ([1750](
* [PR 1726]( - Point out get_area_def in resample documentation ([1726](
* [PR 1724]( - Replace doc references to PPP_CONFIG_DIR ([1724](

In this release 45 pull requests were closed.


Issues Closed

* [Issue 1714]( - Plotting day night composite satellite image
* [Issue 1689]( - BackgroundCompositor using IR Sandwich (masked so only coldest clouds are visible) and True Color as inputs ([PR 1690](
* [Issue 1684]( - Rename fci_l1c_fdhsi to fci_l1c_nc ([PR 1712](
* [Issue 1293]( - DOC: broken link for geoview ([PR 1697](
* [Issue 1120]( - Broken-off sentence in `cf_writer` module documentation: "If a non-dimensional coordinate is identical for" ([PR 1697](
* [Issue 1104]( - NUCAPS reader uses incorrect _FillValue ([PR 1710](
* [Issue 1097]( - Deprecate satpy.readers.utils.get_area_slices
* [Issue 1085]( - Add tonemapping modifiers for truecolor images
* [Issue 1060]( - Reorder installation instructions to put conda before PyPI ([PR 1711](
* [Issue 1028]( - Mitiff tests failing on python 3.7 travis environments
* [Issue 990]( - Documentation on storing area definitions has a broken fragment identifier link to pyresample ([PR 1697](
* [Issue 973]( - For VIIRS composite there are two composites with the same name.
* [Issue 936]( - Swap names for Vis/IR default natural_color and natural_color_sun composites
* [Issue 722]( - Standardise self.mda for SEVIRI attributes
* [Issue 608]( - Update to fix deprecation warning from dask regarding atop
* [Issue 566]( - Add AbstractScene class
* [Issue 500]( - Add ability to add proper references to published algorithms
* [Issue 495]( - Update tests to skip tests if dependencies are missing
* [Issue 425]( - Add DART compatible observation writer
* [Issue 346]( - lat-lon as the default dimensions
* [Issue 334]( - Add 'Performance Tips' section to documentation
* [Issue 164]( - Should enhancers know the data type beforehand
* [Issue 102]( - Fix meteosat 10 area
* [Issue 100]( - Add background color option to simple image writer
* [Issue 99]( - Adding coastlines does not preserve transparency
* [Issue 92]( - Merge area definition files
* [Issue 9]( - Convert mpop readers to satpy yaml readers

In this release 27 issues were closed.

Pull Requests Merged

Bugs fixed

* [PR 1710]( - Fix NUCAPS reader having incorrect _FillValue attribute ([1104](
* [PR 1706]( - Update SLSTR reader to choose correct file for interpolated angles
* [PR 1691]( - Fix reference to sector_id global key in 'awips_tiled' writer YAML
* [PR 1690]( - Fix SandwichCompositor modifying input data ([1689](
* [PR 1679]( - Remove extra attributes tag and fix indentation

Features added

* [PR 1715]( - Fix benchmarks to run with older commits
* [PR 1701]( - Add pending deprecation reader names check
* [PR 1680]( - Implement reading of index map and auxiliary data in FCI L1c reader

Documentation changes

* [PR 1711]( - Rewrite installation instructions to make conda use clearer ([1060](
* [PR 1697]( - Solve various documentation issues ([990](, [1293](, [1120](

In this release 10 pull requests were closed.


Issues Closed

* [Issue 1676]( - New config feature does not support a subprocess call to another script which uses satpy too. ([PR 1677](
* [Issue 1647]( - Bucket resamplers AttributeError in logging message ([PR 1648](
* [Issue 1145]( - satpy to support reading of satpy generated netcdf cf files
* [Issue 1016]( - Add reader for netcdf datasets written with Satpy
* [Issue 604]( - failure: "projection not named"
* [Issue 562]( - Undocumented dependency packages ([PR 1673](

In this release 6 issues were closed.

Pull Requests Merged

Bugs fixed

* [PR 1677]( - Fix SATPY_CONFIG_PATH being unusable when imported in a subprocess ([1676](
* [PR 1671]( - Improve MiRS reader handling of missing metadata
* [PR 1670]( - Fix combination of raw metadata (again)
* [PR 1666]( - Ensure that orbital parameters are in a dict
* [PR 1648]( - Fix bucket resamplers trying to print non-existent name ([1647](
* [PR 1639]( - Fix MultiScene writer handling of multiple delayed objects
* [PR 1499]( - Fix default dtype in geotiff writer if enhance=False

In this release 7 pull requests were closed.

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