
Latest version: v0.49.0

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Issues Closed

* [Issue 758]( - RuntimeError with NetCDF4FileHandler
* [Issue 730]( - Rewrite introduction paragraph in documentation ([PR 747](
* [Issue 725]( - Update 'viirs_edr_active_fires' reader to read newest algorithm output ([PR 733](
* [Issue 706]( - Add reader for FY3D MERSI2 L1B data ([PR 740](
* [Issue 434]( - Allow readers to filter the available datasets configured in YAML ([PR 739](

In this release 5 issues were closed.

Pull Requests Merged

Bugs fixed

* [PR 757]( - Fix MODIS L1B and L2 readers not reading geolocation properly
* [PR 754]( - Fix optional modifier dependencies being unloaded for delayed composites
* [PR 750]( - Add missing warnings import to geotiff writer

Features added

* [PR 752]( - Add scanline timestamps to seviri_l1b_hrit
* [PR 740]( - Add FY-3D MERSI-2 L1B Reader (mersi2_l1b) ([706](
* [PR 739]( - Refactor available datasets logic to be more flexible ([434](
* [PR 738]( - Remove unused area slice-based filtering in the base reader
* [PR 733]( - Update VIIRS EDR Active Fires ([725](
* [PR 728]( - Add VIIRS Fire Temperature rgb
* [PR 711]( - Replace usage of deprecated get_proj_coords_dask
* [PR 611]( - Add MODIS L2 reader
* [PR 580]( - Allow colormaps to be saved with geotiff writer
* [PR 532]( - Add enhancement for VIIRS flood reader

Documentation changes

* [PR 747]( - Update index page introduction ([730](

In this release 14 pull requests were closed.


Issues Closed

* [Issue 679]( - Cannot save a multiscene animation - imagio:ffmpeg warning

In this release 1 issue was closed.

Pull Requests Merged

Bugs fixed

* [PR 731]( - Fix viirs sdr reader to allow ivcdb files in the sdr directory
* [PR 726]( - Bugfixes in the Electro-L reader ([](

Features added

* [PR 729]( - Add "extras" checks to check_satpy utility function

Documentation changes

* [PR 724]( - Add codeowners

In this release 4 pull requests were closed.


Issues Closed

* [Issue 716]( - Reading the EUMETSAT compact viirs format returns wrong platform name (J01 instead of NOAA-20) ([PR 717](
* [Issue 710]( - Question (maybe a bug): Why does RBG array exported with scn.save_dataset contain values greater than 255 ?

In this release 2 issues were closed.

Pull Requests Merged

Bugs fixed

* [PR 721]( - Consistent platform id attribute across NAT + HRIT SEVIRI readers
* [PR 719]( - Fix VIIRS 'night_fog' RGB composite recipe to use M12 instead of M14
* [PR 718]( - Fix 'seviri_l1b_hrit' reader's area creation for pyproj 2.0+
* [PR 717]( - Fix 'viirs_compact' and 'viirs_l1b' readers to return WMO/Oscar platform name ([716](
* [PR 715]( - Fix hurricane florence demo download to only include M1 files
* [PR 712]( - Fix 'mitiff' writer not clipping enhanced data before scaling to 8 bit values
* [PR 709]( - Fix datetime64 use in 'seviri_l1b_hrit' reader for numpy < 1.15
* [PR 708]( - Fix 'seviri_0deg' and 'seviri_iodc' builtin areas (areas.yaml) not matching reader areas

Documentation changes

* [PR 713]( - Add links to source from API documentation

In this release 9 pull requests were closed.


Issues Closed

* [Issue 698]( - Read WKT geotiff
* [Issue 692]( - sdr_viirs_l1b reader fails in 0.13, recent master, Works with version 0.12.0 ([PR 693](
* [Issue 683]( - Question: Change image size when saving with satpy.save_dataset ([PR 691](
* [Issue 681]( - incorrect data offset in HSD files ([PR 689](
* [Issue 666]( - Add drawing of lat lon graticules when saving dataset ([PR 668](
* [Issue 646]( - Add 'demo' subpackage for accessing example data ([PR 686](
* [Issue 528]( - Support dask version of PySpectral ([PR 529](
* [Issue 511]( - Add/update documentation about composites and compositors ([PR 705](

In this release 8 issues were closed.

Pull Requests Merged

Bugs fixed

* [PR 700]( - Mask out invalid values in the precipitation probability product
* [PR 693]( - Fix VIIRS SDR reading of visible channels at nighttime ([692](
* [PR 689]( - Fix Himawari HSD reader's incorrect header information ([681](
* [PR 688]( - Fix offset correction in seviri_l1b_hrit
* [PR 685]( - Fix bug in Scene.resample causing AssertionError
* [PR 677]( - Fix MultiScene save_animation when distributed isn't installed
* [PR 675]( - Do not pass `filter_parameters` to the filehandler creation

Features added

* [PR 691]( - Add Scene.aggregate method (python 3 only) ([683](
* [PR 686]( - Add demo subpackage to simplify test data download ([646](
* [PR 676]( - Feature add nightfog modis
* [PR 674]( - Use platform ID to choose the right reader for AVHRR GAC data
* [PR 671]( - Add satellite position to dataset attributes (seviri_l1b_hrit)
* [PR 669]( - Add ocean-color for viirs and modis
* [PR 668]( - Add grid/graticules to add_overlay function. ([666](
* [PR 665]( - Add reader for VIIRS Active Fires
* [PR 645]( - Reader for the SAR OCN L2 wind product in SAFE format.
* [PR 565]( - Add reader for FY-3 VIRR (virr_l1b)
* [PR 529]( - Add dask support to NIRReflectance modifier ([528](

Documentation changes

* [PR 707]( - Add ABI Meso demo data case and clean up documentation
* [PR 705]( - Document composites ([511](
* [PR 701]( - Clarify release instructions
* [PR 699]( - Rename SatPy to Satpy throughout documentation
* [PR 673]( - Add information about GDAL_CACHEMAX to FAQ

In this release 23 pull requests were closed.


Issues Closed

* [Issue 641]( - After pip upgrade to satpy 0.12 and pyproj 2.0.1 got pyproj.exceptions.CRSError
* [Issue 626]( - Issue loading MODIS Aqua data ([PR 648](
* [Issue 620]( - Add FAQ about controlling number of threads for pykdtree and blas ([PR 621](
* [Issue 521]( - Interactively set the Calibration Mode when creating the Scene Object ([PR 543](

In this release 4 issues were closed.

Pull Requests Merged

Bugs fixed

* [PR 664]( - Fix Scene.crop with RGBs and multidimensional data
* [PR 662]( - Fix masked resampling when dataset dtype is integer
* [PR 661]( - Fix CTTH composite not to mark invalid data as cloud-free
* [PR 660]( - Fix seviri_l1b_hrit prologue/epilogue readers
* [PR 655]( - Fix yaml load to be compatible with pyyaml 5.1
* [PR 652]( - Fix resampling of ancillary variables when also first class datasets
* [PR 648]( - Add wrapped line support for metadata in modis_l1b reader ([626](
* [PR 644]( - Fix the modis overview not to sun normalize the IR channel
* [PR 633]( - Fix VIIRS HNCC composite passing xarray objects to dask
* [PR 632]( - Fixing start and end times when missing in the CF writer

Features added

* [PR 647]( - Switch python-hdf4 dependencies to pyhdf
* [PR 643]( - In cira_strech clip values less or equal to 0 to avoid nans and -inf.
* [PR 642]( - Bugfix pps2018 cpp products
* [PR 638]( - Add processing-mode and disposition-mode to the avhrr-l1b-eps file name
* [PR 636]( - Facilitate selection of calibration coefficients in seviri_l1b_hrit
* [PR 635]( - Add local caching of slicing for data reduction
* [PR 627]( - Add DNB satellite angles (DNB_SENZ, DNB_SENA) to VIIRS SDR reader
* [PR 557]( - Improve the SAR-C reading and Ice composite
* [PR 543]( - Calibration mode can now be passed via a keyword argument ([521](
* [PR 538]( - Support CLASS packed viirs files in viirs_sdr reader

Documentation changes

* [PR 659]( - DOC: Refer to PyTroll coding guidelines
* [PR 653]( - DOC: Fix small typos in documentation
* [PR 651]( - Rename changelog for releases before 0.9.0
* [PR 621]( - Add FAQ items on number of workers and threads ([620](

In this release 24 pull requests were closed.


Issues Closed

* [Issue 601]( - MultiScene 'save_animation' fails if "datasets=" isn't provided ([PR 602](
* [Issue 310]( - Create MultiScene from list of files ([PR 576](

In this release 2 issues were closed.

Pull Requests Merged

Bugs fixed

* [PR 616]( - Fix geotiff writer being unimportable if gdal isn't installed
* [PR 615]( - Fix confusing error in abi_l1b reader when file fails to open
* [PR 607]( - Fix VIIRS 'histogram_dnb' compositor not returning new data
* [PR 605]( - Fix enhancements using dask delayed on internal functions
* [PR 602]( - Fix MultiScene save_animation not using dataset IDs correctly ([601](, [601](
* [PR 600]( - Fix resample reduce_data bug introduced in #582

Features added

* [PR 614]( - Support for reduced resolution OLCI data
* [PR 613]( - Add 'crop' and 'save_datasets' to MultiScene
* [PR 609]( - Add ability to use dask distributed when generating animation videos
* [PR 582]( - Add 'reduce_data' keyword argument to disable cropping before resampling
* [PR 576]( - Add group_files and from_files utility functions for creating Scenes from multiple files ([310](
* [PR 567]( - Add utility functions for generating GeoViews plots ([541](

In this release 12 pull requests were closed.

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