
Latest version: v0.51.0

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Issues Closed

* [Issue 2646]( - satpy/tests/scene_tests/ is using called_once in assertions rather than assert_called_once, causing test failures on Python 3.12 ([PR 2648]( by [ArrayBolt3](
* [Issue 2643]( - SunZenithReducer defaults make True Color FCI imagery too dark at high solar zenith angles ([PR 2653]( by [ameraner](
* [Issue 2638]( - Update AVHRR EPS reader to read cloud flags information ([PR 2639]( by [fwfichtner](
* [Issue 2619]( - NDVI hybrid green correction triggers early dask computations ([PR 2623]( by [pnuu](
* [Issue 2614]( - DayNightCompositor triggers early dask computation ([PR 2617]( by [pnuu](
* [Issue 2613]( - modifier NIREmissivePartFromReflectance triggers early dask computation
* [Issue 2604]( - grid_mapping attrs lead to failure of cf writer
* [Issue 2601]( - Is the 31(32)-band read by the modis_l1b reader converted to bright temperature by default?

In this release 8 issues were closed.

Pull Requests Merged

Bugs fixed

* [PR 2648]( - Fix assert_called_once usage in resample tests ([2646](
* [PR 2635]( - Fix nwcsaf_geo start time to be nominal time
* [PR 2627]( - Fix ABI readers using wrong dtype for resolution-based chunks
* [PR 2625]( - Cleanup various warnings encountered during tests
* [PR 2623]( - Fix unnecessary Dask `compute()`s in `NDVIHybridGreen` compositor ([2619](
* [PR 2617]( - Reduce Dask computations in `DayNightCompositor` ([2614](
* [PR 2608]( - Fix ABI L2 to only convert reflectances to percentages
* [PR 2607]( - Fix ABI L2 reader to produce reflectances as percentages
* [PR 2606]( - Change platform name for EPIC (DSCOVR) to upper case.
* [PR 2585]( - Make caching warn if some of the args are unhashable

Features added

* [PR 2653]( - Update Sun-zenith reducer defaults ([2643](
* [PR 2652]( - Add file pattern for CRRPh of NWC SAF GEO v2021
* [PR 2642]( - Set dtype for get_lonlats() in NIR reflectance calculation
* [PR 2640]( - Keep original dtype in DayNightCompositor
* [PR 2639]( - Update AVHRR EPS reader to read cloud flags information ([2638](
* [PR 2637]( - Keep FCI data as 32-bit floats
* [PR 2632]( - Add reader for OSI SAF L3 products
* [PR 2631]( - Add a reader for MODIS Level 3 files in CMG format.
* [PR 2623]( - Fix unnecessary Dask `compute()`s in `NDVIHybridGreen` compositor ([2619](
* [PR 2621]( - Add resolution-based chunking to ABI L1b reader
* [PR 2610]( - Remove legacy resampler code

Clean ups

* [PR 2648]( - Fix assert_called_once usage in resample tests ([2646](
* [PR 2641]( - Add "A" and "D" checks to ruff config
* [PR 2634]( - Remove duplicate entries of required netcdf variables in FCI reader
* [PR 2625]( - Cleanup various warnings encountered during tests
* [PR 2624]( - Replace assertRaises with pytest.raises
* [PR 2621]( - Add resolution-based chunking to ABI L1b reader
* [PR 2612]( - Remove tests for removed and deprecated functionality
* [PR 2610]( - Remove legacy resampler code
* [PR 2586]( - Replace flake8 with ruff in pre-commit and ci linting
* [PR 2524]( - Refactor CFWriter utility into CF directory

In this release 31 pull requests were closed.


Issues Closed

* [Issue 2593]( - FY4A REGC data resampling return all nan
* [Issue 2591]( - Is there a corresponding reader for S3A_SL_2_WST?
* [Issue 2581]( - Can reader 'modis_l1b' correct MODIS Bow Tie Effect?
* [Issue 2580]( - Does python3.8 and below seem to fail to install via the command line "conda install -c conda-forge satpy"?
* [Issue 2571]( - Add Calibration by Meirink et al for SEVIRI ([PR 2589]( by [pdebuyl](
* [Issue 2549]( - setuptools-scm-git-archive is obsolete -- use setuptools-scm >= 7 ([PR 2598]( by [pdebuyl](
* [Issue 2266]( - AGRI data fails with `native` resampling`

In this release 7 issues were closed.

Pull Requests Merged

Bugs fixed

* [PR 2598]( - remove setuptools_scm_git_archive from requirement ([2549](, [2549](
* [PR 2579]( - Adapt satpy to numpy 2
* [PR 2575]( - Remove use of deprecated setuptools_scm_git_archive build package

Features added

* [PR 2600]( - Add some global EPSG 4326 gridded lat/lon areas.
* [PR 2589]( - Add meirink calib ([2571](
* [PR 2584]( - Convert AHI HSD dask chunking to be based on band resolution
* [PR 2574]( - Rename ABI "night_microphysics_abi" composite to "night_microphysics"
* [PR 2572]( - Add reader for GERB high-resolution HDF5 files
* [PR 2558]( - New reader for Himawari L2 NOAA enterprise cloud products.
* [PR 2556]( - Implement modifier for reducing signal as a function of sunz angle
* [PR 2554]( - Implement non-linear scaling for NDVI hybrid green correction
* [PR 2488]( - Add a blend method to create temporal RGB from MultiScene
* [PR 2052]( - Add resolution dependent chunk sizing to 'modis_l1b' reader

Documentation changes

* [PR 2582]( - Add mastodon link
* [PR 2517]( - Add documentation on putting text onto images

Backward incompatible changes

* [PR 2574]( - Rename ABI "night_microphysics_abi" composite to "night_microphysics"

Clean ups

* [PR 2587]( - Remove libnetcdf specific build from CI env
* [PR 2578]( - Remove unneeded performance tracker in seviri reader
* [PR 2575]( - Remove use of deprecated setuptools_scm_git_archive build package

In this release 19 pull requests were closed.


Issues Closed

* [Issue 2519]( - MSG Dust RGB adding coastilnes and grid to the image
* [Issue 2506]( - Add xarray_kwargs capability to the geocat reader ([PR 2507]( by [joleenf](
* [Issue 2502]( - Cropping S3 image not working
* [Issue 2494]( - avhrr_l1b_gaclac fails to read most files from NOAA CLASS ([PR 2501]( by [sfinkens](
* [Issue 2490]( - ninjogeotiff writer adds offset/scale factor when this is not meaningful ([PR 2491]( by [gerritholl](
* [Issue 2483]( - Cacheing doesn't work with `scn.crop` ([PR 2485]( by [djhoese](
* [Issue 2465]( - Possibility of dual licensing: GPL-3.0 & MIT
* [Issue 2464]( - MITIFF writer using pillow: turn off compression due to rowsperstrip issues
* [Issue 2463]( - seviri_l1b_native reader issue with reading remote files (azure)
* [Issue 2409]( - Inconsistent behavior of time attributes in EUM L1 GEO readers ([PR 2420]( by [YouvaEUMex](
* [Issue 1749]( - Load from blended scene
* [Issue 859]( - Doesn't recognize MODIS L2 file

In this release 12 issues were closed.

Pull Requests Merged

Bugs fixed

* [PR 2522]( - Fix CF tests due to new xarray release
* [PR 2516]( - Fix SEVIRI native reader failing when missing main header
* [PR 2510]( - Fix warnings from NWCSAF reader
* [PR 2507]( - Fix HDF4 support in geocat reader with hardcoded engine ([2506](
* [PR 2492]( - Fix xarray version for cf tests
* [PR 2491]( - Change logic for ninjogeotiff gradient/axisintercept tags ([2490](
* [PR 2485]( - Fix angle caching not handling a specific type of irregular chunking ([2483](
* [PR 2481]( - Fix NWCSAF reading for NOAA-21

Features added

* [PR 2521]( - Add a median filter modifier
* [PR 2508]( - Add support for OLCI L2 files which are missing Frame_IDs
* [PR 2504]( - Improve flexibility of olci level2 reader
* [PR 2501]( - Add Pygac reference to avhrr_l1b_gaclac documentation ([2494](
* [PR 2499]( - Add option to clip negative ABI radiances
* [PR 2497]( - Enable to pass a custom function to Scene.aggregate
* [PR 2489]( - Add "neutral_resolution_band" kwarg to RatioSharpenedRGB/SelfSharpenedRGB
* [PR 2480]( - Add helper-function for reading SEVIRI L1.5 Native header.
* [PR 2449]( - Generalise the `true_color_reproduction` composite and enhancement
* [PR 2420]( - Fix inconsistent behavior of time attributes in EUM L1 GEO readers ([2409](
* [PR 2259]( - Refactor `CFWriter.save_datasets` and enable retrieval of equivalent xr.Dataset with `scn.to_xarray()`
* [PR 2117]( - Add reader for GMS-5 VISSR data

Documentation changes

* [PR 2514]( - Fix argument name in DayNightComposite example document
* [PR 2501]( - Add Pygac reference to avhrr_l1b_gaclac documentation ([2494](
* [PR 2478]( - Fix eccodes package names in, update documentation for setting up development environment.
* [PR 2474]( - Reorganize seviri_l2_grib.yaml file and add more documentation to

Clean ups

* [PR 2523]( - Convert CF Writer tests to pytest
* [PR 2486]( - Fix leftover deprecated nosetest teardown methods
* [PR 2478]( - Fix eccodes package names in, update documentation for setting up development environment.
* [PR 2474]( - Reorganize seviri_l2_grib.yaml file and add more documentation to

In this release 28 pull requests were closed.


Issues Closed

* [Issue 2471]( - Missing dependencies in for running all the tests ([PR 2472]( by [sjoro](
* [Issue 2469]( - Problem in reprojecting MSG SEVIRI data

In this release 2 issues were closed.

Pull Requests Merged

Bugs fixed

* [PR 2473]( - Fix rayleigh correction not handling angles as required inputs
* [PR 2472]( - Add missing test dependencies and update dev environment documentation ([2471](

Documentation changes

* [PR 2472]( - Add missing test dependencies and update dev environment documentation ([2471](

Clean ups

* [PR 2472]( - Add missing test dependencies and update dev environment documentation ([2471](
* [PR 2453]( - Fix various warnings encountered when running tests

In this release 5 pull requests were closed.


Issues Closed

* [Issue 2458]( - Fail to install satpy despite the version

In this release 1 issue was closed.

Pull Requests Merged

Bugs fixed

* [PR 2456]( - Fix Adaptive DNB composite bug introduced from refactoring

In this release 1 pull request was closed.


Issues Closed

* [Issue 2455]( - Highlights blacked-out in MODIS false-color image
* [Issue 2204]( - CLAVRx Reader for AHI data misses CLAVRx files with naming convention that retains full AHI original name. ([PR 2314]( by [joleenf](
* [Issue 1944]( - satpy v0.33 seems to run slower than v0.30 when I project modis l1b data

In this release 3 issues were closed.

Pull Requests Merged

Bugs fixed

* [PR 2454]( - Change optional rayleigh prerequisites to required for MODIS
* [PR 2451]( - Fix assumption that arrays have 2+ dimensions in CF writer ([74](
* [PR 2440]( - Fix nwcsaf pps palettes
* [PR 2437]( - Update MODIS composites with specific channel for Rayleigh correction
* [PR 2432]( - Remove usage of open_rasterio in some readers
* [PR 2417]( - Fix NUCAPS reader compatibility with new versions of xarray
* [PR 2394]( - Add weighted blended stacking to MultiScene (fixes multi-band handling)
* [PR 2168]( - Fix coordinate names in Ocean Color CCI reader.

Features added

* [PR 2439]( - Add support for unit conversion in image writers
* [PR 2438]( - Deprecate PYTROLL_CHUNK_SIZE and fallback to array.chunk-size config from dask
* [PR 2423]( - Support reading from S3 for AHI-HSD
* [PR 2422]( - Update condition of xarray version in CF writer tests
* [PR 2421]( - Add MODIS 05 L2 datasets to `modis_l2` reader
* [PR 2416]( - Drop support for Python 3.8 and add 3.11 tests
* [PR 2407]( - VIIRS VGAC reader
* [PR 2394]( - Add weighted blended stacking to MultiScene (fixes multi-band handling)
* [PR 2379]( - Add reader for IASI L2 CDR in NetCDF format
* [PR 2314]( - Update `clavrx` reader file patterns and flag_meanings handling ([2204](
* [PR 2124]( - Add reader for FY-3E / MERSI-LL

Documentation changes

* [PR 2448]( - Add section to FAQ to describe how `generate=False` may speed up RGBs
* [PR 2431]( - Add codescene badge to README

Backward incompatible changes

* [PR 2416]( - Drop support for Python 3.8 and add 3.11 tests

Clean ups

* [PR 2450]( - Remove unneeded stickler config
* [PR 2429]( - Cleanup and separate Scene unit tests
* [PR 2416]( - Drop support for Python 3.8 and add 3.11 tests
* [PR 2394]( - Add weighted blended stacking to MultiScene (fixes multi-band handling)

In this release 26 pull requests were closed.

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