
Latest version: v0.49.0

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Issues Closed

* [Issue 2063]( - Unable to commit changes due to bandit (use of subprocess module)
* [Issue 2037]( - Why the lon/lat is interpolated to 1km while data are still 5km for MOD06 product
* [Issue 2012]( - Define time metadata options and usage ([PR 2031]( by [djhoese](
* [Issue 1973]( - Using cached geolocation and angles results in an error if chunk size not appropriately set. ([PR 2041]( by [djhoese](
* [Issue 1842]( - Update needed for vii_l1b_nc reader to match a change to the Test Data and processor ([PR 1979]( by [pepephillips](
* [Issue 1110]( - NWCSAF reader does not support GOES or HIMAWARI
* [Issue 1022]( - Factorize area def computation in goes_imager_hrit ([PR 1934]( by [sfinkens](
* [Issue 956]( - UnboundLocalError when passing "empty" generator as filenames
* [Issue 723]( - Passing multiple readers fails if `generic_image` is among them
* [Issue 684]( - Gracefully handle pykdtree's use of OpenMP (OMP_NUM_THREADS) with dask

In this release 10 issues were closed.

Pull Requests Merged

Bugs fixed

* [PR 2054]( - Fix DifferenceCompositor not using metadata from YAML
* [PR 2049]( - Fix dataset attribute typo and reduce amount of categorical dataset filtering in fci_l2_nc reader
* [PR 2044]( - Fix unit handling in ERF DNB normalization's saturation correction
* [PR 2041]( - Fix angle generation caching not working with irregular chunks ([1973](
* [PR 2032]( - Fix various metadata bugs in 'awips_tiled' writer ([417](
* [PR 1933]( - Change tested Python versions to 3.8, 3.9 and 3.10

Features added

* [PR 2056]( - Update SLSTR calibration coefficients
* [PR 2055]( - Skip dataset flipping in GEOFlippableFileYAMLReader in case of SwathDefinition data
* [PR 2047]( - Add missing GOES-18 support to glm_l2 reader
* [PR 2034]( - Update angle generation to prefer "actual" satellite position
* [PR 2033]( - Remove use of legacy satellite position attributes
* [PR 2031]( - Update AHI HSD reader with observation/scheduled times and nominal satellite position ([2012](
* [PR 2030]( - Add 'preference' option to 'get_satpos' utility
* [PR 2028]( - Add 'colormap_tag' keyword argument to geotiff writer
* [PR 1993]( - Add 'l2_flags' quality filtering to 'seadas_l2' reader
* [PR 1979]( - Update VII reader for test data v2 ([1842](
* [PR 1933]( - Change tested Python versions to 3.8, 3.9 and 3.10
* [PR 1927]( - Add support for more FCI L2 products and datasets


* [PR 2040]( - Refactor composite generation to avoid unneeded warnings
* [PR 1934]( - Factorize area computation in goes_imager_hrit ([1022](

In this release 20 pull requests were closed.


Issues Closed

* [Issue 2026]( - Missing units in avhrr_l1b_eps reader ([PR 2027]( by [gerritholl](
* [Issue 2024]( - Allow to skip unit conversion in ninjotiff writer ([PR 2025]( by [gerritholl](
* [Issue 2023]( - Allow to keep units in composite
* [Issue 2022]( - save_dataset changes dataset in-place
* [Issue 2018]( - Wrong AxisIntercept (add_offset) when writing °C temperature units with ninjogeotiff writer
* [Issue 2014]( - Problem in converting VIIRS hdf to geotif
* [Issue 2010]( - AHI HSD true_color incorrect with cache_sensor_angles ([PR 2013]( by [djhoese](
* [Issue 2008]( - abi_l1b reader leaks memory in Python-3.7 ([PR 2011]( by [sfinkens](
* [Issue 2004]( - Configure image type returned by MaskingCompositor ([PR 2005]( by [gerritholl](
* [Issue 2001]( - Failed to load AVHRR LAC data
* [Issue 1999]( - Reader for Арктика-М (Arktika-M) МСУ-ГС (MSU-GS) data ([PR 2000]( by [simonrp84](
* [Issue 1998]( - Add reader for Arctica M N-1 hdf5 data
* [Issue 1995]( - AttributeError when cropping data for VIIRS
* [Issue 1959]( - Unittest failure in
* [Issue 1948]( - Contribute to Satpy
* [Issue 1945]( - Wrong dtype of `uint32` array saved by the cf_writer
* [Issue 1943]( - sza_check from trollflow2 fails with KeyError: 'start_time'
* [Issue 1883]( - Test failure on i386 and armhf ([PR 1966]( by [djhoese](
* [Issue 1384]( - AHI HRIT reader has gotten slower ([PR 1986]( by [pnuu](
* [Issue 1099]( - `find_files_and_readers` read unneeded files

In this release 20 issues were closed.

Pull Requests Merged

Bugs fixed

* [PR 2027]( - Include units with AVHRR EPS metadata ([2026](
* [PR 2017]( - Fix ABI rayleigh_corrected_crefl modifier using deprecated DEM specifier
* [PR 2015]( - Fix various dask array bugs in CREFL modifier
* [PR 2013]( - Fix angle generation caching occassionally swapping results ([2010](
* [PR 2011]( - Fix memory leak in cached_property backport ([2008](, [2008](
* [PR 2006]( - Fix Scene not being serializable
* [PR 2002]( - Update tests to be more flexible to CRS and enhancement changes
* [PR 1991]( - Update reference to dask distributed setup page
* [PR 1988]( - Update docstring from compositor to modifier
* [PR 1987]( - Check that time is not already a coordinate in CF writer
* [PR 1983]( - More general filename filter for ascat soil moisture, allowing for Metop-B and Metop-C
* [PR 1982]( - Fix ninjotiff writer from erraneous K to C conversion

Features added

* [PR 2025]( - Allow skipping unit conversion in NinJoTIFF ([2024](
* [PR 2007]( - Update abi_l2_nc to include filename metadata similar to abi_l1b
* [PR 2005]( - Add flag to MaskingCompositor to return RGBA for single-band input ([2004](
* [PR 2000]( - Add a reader for the MSU-GS/A + Arctica-M1 data ([1999](
* [PR 1992]( - Add support for CMIC product from PPSv2021
* [PR 1989]( - read the "elevation" variable in slstr_l1b
* [PR 1986]( - Add reader kwarg to 'ahi_hrit' to disable exact start_time ([1384](
* [PR 1967]( - Add ability to read comma-separated colormaps during enhancement
* [PR 1966]( - Reduce MODIS L1b/L2 test case size for better test performance ([1883](
* [PR 1962]( - Use a dependency matrix for benchmarking

Documentation changes

* [PR 2020]( - Clarify documentation regarding attributes used in get_angles
* [PR 1991]( - Update reference to dask distributed setup page
* [PR 1988]( - Update docstring from compositor to modifier
* [PR 1969]( - Improve modifier documentation
* [PR 1968]( - Improve API documentation in CompositeBase
* [PR 1961]( - Update documentation to refer to all EO satellite data
* [PR 1960]( - Add release notes and security policy to documentation
* [PR 1950]( - Fix formatting in configuration documentation

In this release 30 pull requests were closed.


Issues Closed

* [Issue 1937]( - Add
* [Issue 1932]( - warnings of `invalid value encountered in true_divide` and `invalid value encountered in double_scalars` in
* [Issue 1903]( - MPEF Product Header record definition , in, needs to be updated
* [Issue 1799]( - Deprecate Scene.attrs property
* [Issue 1192]( - Harmonize SEVIRI area definitions

In this release 5 issues were closed.

Pull Requests Merged

Bugs fixed

* [PR 1946]( - Fix angle generation not working for StackedAreaDefinitions
* [PR 1942]( - Fix dynamic_dnb composite converting NaNs to 0s
* [PR 1941]( - Fix SAFE SAR azimuth noise array construction
* [PR 1918]( - Fix geo interpolation for aapp data

Features added

* [PR 1674]( - Feature add support for AHI True Color Reproduction

In this release 5 pull requests were closed.


Issues Closed

* [Issue 1930]( - ninjogeotiff writer produces file with ninjo_TransparentPixel=None ([PR 1931]( by [gerritholl](
* [Issue 1902]( - High memory usage generating composites from ABI/AHI

In this release 2 issues were closed.

Pull Requests Merged

Bugs fixed

* [PR 1931]( - When no fill value is used, write TransparentPixel=-1 in ninjogeotiff headers ([1930](
* [PR 1926]( - Update seadas_l2 chlor_a enhancement to use new log10 stretch
* [PR 1922]( - Fix ABI cloud_phase composite recipe and enhancement

Features added

* [PR 1917]( - Add support to read and visualize NOAA GOESR L2+ cloud mask products
* [PR 1912]( - Add Frequency range
* [PR 1908]( - Update AHI HSD calibration coefficients
* [PR 1905]( - Updated mpef product header to include new fields
* [PR 1882]( - Update GDAL_OPTIONS with driver= and COG-specific options
* [PR 1370]( - Add support for reading AAPP level-1c MHS/AMSU-B data


* [PR 1910]( - Refactor SZA and cos(SZA) generation to reduce duplicate computations

In this release 10 pull requests were closed.


Issues Closed

* [Issue 1900]( - Load composites mixed from files or provided data ([PR1901]( by [djhoese](
* [Issue 1898]( - Loading composites without file handlers fails with KeyError ([PR1899]( by [erritholl](
* [Issue 1893]( - Download and install Satpy for raspberry pi
* [Issue 1889]( - Question: How to release loaded data from memory?
* [Issue 1880]( - Add area definitions corresponding to geostationary imager fields of regard ([PR1881]( by [erritholl](
* [Issue 1879]( - How to use histogram enhancement in yaml files?
* [Issue 1749]( - Load from blended scene ([PR 1797]( by [djhoese](
* [Issue 1747]( - Load composites without file handlers. ([PR 1797]( by [djhoese](
* [Issue 1456]( - Default cache directory should respect XDG Base Directory Specification.
* [Issue 583]( - PPP_CONFIG_DIR set locally does not include the global dir for the eps_l1b reader

In this release 10 issues were closed.

Pull Requests Merged

Bugs fixed

* [PR 1899]( - Fix loading multi-sensor composites for manually added data ([1898](
* [PR 1891]( - Fix file handlers improperly matching some file types
* [PR 1884]( - Fix nucaps reader failing when given multiple input files

Features added

* [PR 1901]( - Update Scene.sensor_names to include sensors from readers and contained data ([1900](
* [PR 1897]( - Update AHI gridded reader to use HTTP instead of FTP
* [PR 1894]( - Add 'seadas_l2' reader for 'chlor_a' product
* [PR 1892]( - Add new pre-commit checks
* [PR 1888]( - Optimize composite YAML loading
* [PR 1885]( - Add optional on-disk zarr caching to sensor angle generation
* [PR 1881]( - Add area definitions for GOES ABI FOR ([1880](
* [PR 1797]( - Allow loading of composites after Scene resampling ([1752](, [1749](, [1747](

Documentation changes

* [PR 1873]( - Fix a typo in the ninjogeotiff documentation

In this release 12 pull requests were closed.


Issues Closed

* [Issue 1866]( - Data Type of AHI NetCDF Output
* [Issue 1859]( - Yaml UnsafeLoader ImportErrror on ([PR1860]( by [arammer](
* [Issue 1853](https://m/pytroll/satpy/pull/1864) by [djhoese](

In this release 12 issues were closed.

Pull Requests Merged

Bugs fixed

* [PR1868]( - Fix MiRS reader not working with new versions of dask
* [PR1860]( - Catch ImportError on UnsafeLoader in composites/config_loader ([1859](
* [PR1855]( - Fix 'acspo' reader producing non-y/x dimension names
* [PR1854]( - Fix 'awips_tiled' writer doing unnecessary attribute formatting
* [PR1849]( - Update AGRI reader to ensure that angles can be correctly loaded.

Features added

* [PR1850]( - Adapt msi-safe to the new product format ([1847](
* [PR1839]( - Add ninjogeotiff writer to write GeoTIFFs including necessary NinJo tags in GDALMetadata ([1838](
* [PR1743]( - Add option to configure group_files behaviour on empty groups in case of multiple readers ([1742](

Documentation changes

* [PR1867]( - Update PDF metadata for sphinx documentation
* [PR1864]( - Update Scene.save_datasets to clarify what will be saved ([1138](
* [PR1862]( - Correct phrasing of upside-down
* [PR1852]( - Fix reference to dask distributed setup page

In this release 12 pull requests were closed.

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