
Latest version: v0.49.0

Safety actively analyzes 642283 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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Bugs fixed

* [Issue 179]( - Cannot read AVHRR in AAPP format
* [PR 234]( - Bugfix sar reader
* [PR 231]( - Bugfix palette based compositor concatenation
* [PR 230]( - Fix dask angle calculations of rayleigh corrector
* [PR 229]( - Fix bug in dep tree when modifier deps are modified wavelengths
* [PR 228]( - Fix 'platform' being used instead of 'platform_name'
* [PR 224]( - Add helper method for checking areas in compositors
* [PR 222]( - Fix resampler caching by source area
* [PR 221]( - Fix Scene loading and resampling when generate=False
* [PR 220]( - Rename Scene's `compute` to `generate_composites`
* [PR 219]( - Fixed native_msg calibration problem and added env var to change the …
* [PR 214]( - Fix Scene not being copied properly during resampling
* [PR 210]( - Bugfix check if lons and lats should be masked before resampling
* [PR 206]( - Fix optional dependencies not being passed to modifiers with opts only
* [PR 187]( - Fix reader configs having mismatched names between filename and config
* [PR 185]( - Bugfix nwcsaf_pps reader for file discoverability
* [PR 177]( - Bugfix viirs loading - picked from (xarray)develop branch
* [PR 163]( - Bugfix float geotiff

Features added

* [PR 232]( - Add ABI L1B system tests
* [PR 226]( - EARS NWCSAF products reading
* [PR 217]( - Add xarray/dask support to DayNightCompositor
* [PR 216]( - Fix dataset writing so computations are shared between tasks
* [PR 213]( - [WIP] Reuse same resampler for similar datasets
* [PR 212]( - Improve modis reader to support dask
* [PR 209]( - Fix enhancements to work with xarray
* [PR 205]( - Fix ABI 'natural' and 'true_color' composites to work with xarray
* [PR 204]( - Add 'native' resampler
* [PR 203]( - [WIP] Feature trollimage xarray
* [PR 195]( - Add ABI-specific configs for Airmass composite
* [PR 186]( - Add missing nodata tiff tag
* [PR 180]( - Replace BW and RGBCompositor with a more generic one

Documentation changes

* [PR 155]( - Add contributing and developers guide documentation

In this release 1 issue and 31 pull requests were closed.

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