:version:`3.30.0 <v3.29.2...v3.30.0>` - 2024-06-23
- **EXPERIMENTAL**: New stateful test runner in CLI. :issue:`864`
- The ``--experimental=stateful-only`` CLI flag to run only stateful tests if the new test runner is enabled. Note that this feature is experimental and may change in future releases without notice.
- Ability to extract values from headers, path, and query parameters using regular expressions in OpenAPI links.
- The ``negative_data_rejection`` check. It ensures that the API rejects negative data as specified in the schema.
- The ``use_after_free`` check. It ensures that the API returns a 404 response after a successful DELETE operation on an object. At the moment, it is only available in state-machine-based stateful testing.
- Support for building dynamic payloads via OpenAPI links. This allows for building objects or arrays where nested items are not hardcoded but dynamically evaluated.
- ``APIStateMachine.format_rules`` method to format transition rules in a human-readable format.
.. code-block::
POST /user
└── 201
├── GET /users/{ids}
└── DELETE /user/{id}
GET /users/{ids}
└── 200
└── PATCH /user
DELETE /user/{id}
└── 204
└── DELETE /user/{id}
- Enforce the ``minLength`` keyword on string path parameters to avoid the rejection of empty values later on.
This improves the performance of data generation.
- Rework building state machines for stateful testing to improve performance.
- Improve error messages on ``MaxRetryError``. :issue:`2234`
- Migrate to new-style ``pytest`` hooks. :issue:`2181`
- Filter out Hypothesis' warning about resetting the recursion limit in multi-worker tests.
- Show sub-schema location in ``response_schema_conformance`` failure messages. :issue:`2270`
- Avoid collecting data for stateful tests in CLI when they are explicitly disabled.
- Internal error during OpenAPI link resolution if the needed parameter is missing in the response.
- Improper output when a JSON pointer can't be resolved during OpenAPI link resolution.
- Generating invalid examples created by wrapping a named example value into another object. :issue:`2238`
- Distinguish more failures in stateful testing.
- Generate different functions for state machine transitions to properly use swarm testing.
- ``RuntimeError`` caused by a race condition when initializing Hypothesis' PRNG in multiple workers.
- Missing body in ``Case`` if it is mutated after the ``make_case`` call. :issue:`2208`
- Internal error when a rate limiter hits its limit. :issue:`2254`
- Internal error during reference resolving when using relative file paths.
- Ignoring property examples defined under the ``example`` key in Open API 2.0 schemas. :issue:`2277`
- Support for ``pytest<6.0``.
- Improve performance of copying schemas.