
Latest version: v3.36.2

Safety actively analyzes 665899 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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Not secure
:version:`3.13.7 <v3.13.6...v3.13.7>` - 2022-04-02


- Support for ``Hypothesis>=6.41.0``. :issue:`1425`


Not secure
:version:`3.13.6 <v3.13.5...v3.13.6>` - 2022-03-31


- Deep-clone ``Response`` instances before passing to check functions.


Not secure
:version:`3.13.5 <v3.13.4...v3.13.5>` - 2022-03-31


- Deep-clone ``Case`` instances before passing to check functions.


Not secure
:version:`3.13.4 <v3.13.3...v3.13.4>` - 2022-03-29


- Support for ``Werkzeug>=2.1.0``. :issue:`1410`


- Validate ``requests`` kwargs to catch cases when the ASGI integration is used, but the proper ASGI client is not supplied. :issue:`1335`


Not secure
:version:`3.13.3 <v3.13.2...v3.13.3>` - 2022-02-20


- ``--request-tls-verify`` CLI option for the ``replay`` command. It controls whether Schemathesis verifies the server's TLS certificate.
You can also pass the path to a CA_BUNDLE file for private certs. :issue:`1395`
- Support for client certificate authentication with ``--request-cert`` and ``--request-cert-key`` arguments for the ``replay`` command.


Not secure
:version:`3.13.2 <v3.13.1...v3.13.2>` - 2022-02-16


- Use Schemathesis default User-Agent when communicating with SaaS.


- Use the same ``correlation_id`` in ``BeforeExecution`` and ``AfterExecution`` events if the API schema contains an error that
causes an ``InvalidSchema`` exception during test execution.
- Use ``full_path`` in error messages in recoverable schema-level errors. It makes events generated in such cases consistent with usual events.

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