From this release, you can simultaneously run positive & negative tests via CLI by passing `-D all`
:rocket: Added
- Support for exception groups in newer `Hypothesis` versions. 1592
- A way to generate negative and positive test cases within the same CLI run via `-D all`.
:bug: Fixed
- Allow creating APIs in by name when the schema is passed as a file.
- Properly trim tracebacks on `Hypothesis>=6.54.0`.
- Skipping negative tests when they should not be skipped.
:wrench: Changed
- **pytest**: Generate positive & negative within the same test node.
- **CLI**: Warning if there are too many HTTP 403 API responses.
- **Runner**: `BeforeExecution.data_generation_method` and `AfterExecution.data_generation_method` changed to
lists of `DataGenerationMethod` as the same test may contain data coming from different data generation methods.