
Latest version: v3.36.2

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Not secure
:version:`2.3.0 <v2.2.1...v2.3.0>` - 2020-07-26


- Possibility to generate values for ``in: formData`` parameters that are non-bytes or contain non-bytes (e.g., inside an array). :issue:`665`


- Error message for cases when a path parameter is in the template but is not defined in the parameters list or missing ``required: true`` in its definition. :issue:`667`
- Bump minimum required ``hypothesis-jsonschema`` version to `0.17.0`. This allows Schemathesis to use the ``custom_formats`` argument in ``from_schema`` calls and avoid using its private API. :issue:`684`


- ``ValueError`` during sending a request with test payload if the endpoint defines a parameter with ``type: array`` and ``in: formData``. :issue:`661`
- ``KeyError`` while processing a schema with nullable parameters and ``in: body``. :issue:`660`
- ``StopIteration`` during ``requestBody`` processing if it has empty "content" value. :issue:`673`
- ``AttributeError`` during generation of "multipart/form-data" parameters that have no "type" defined. :issue:`675`
- Support for properties named "$ref" in object schemas. Previously, it was causing ``TypeError``. :issue:`672`
- Generating illegal Unicode surrogates in the path. :issue:`668`
- Invalid development dependency on ``graphql-server-core`` package. :issue:`658`


Not secure
:version:`2.2.1 <v2.2.0...v2.2.1>` - 2020-07-22


- Possible ``UnicodeEncodeError`` during generation of ``Authorization`` header values for endpoints with ``basic`` security scheme. :issue:`656`


Not secure
:version:`2.2.0 <v2.1.0...v2.2.0>` - 2020-07-14


- ``schemathesis.graphql.from_dict`` loader allows you to use GraphQL schemas represented as a dictionary for testing.
- ``before_load_schema`` hook for GraphQL schemas.


- Serialization of non-string parameters. :issue:`651`


Not secure
:version:`2.1.0 <v2.0.0...v2.1.0>` - 2020-07-06


- Support for property-level examples. :issue:`467`


- Content-type conformance check for cases when Open API 3.0 schemas contain "default" response definitions. :issue:`641`
- Handling of multipart requests for Open API 3.0 schemas. :issue:`640`
- Sending non-file form fields in multipart requests. :issue:`647`


- Deprecated ``skip_validation`` argument to ``HookDispatcher.apply``.
- Deprecated ``_accepts_context`` internal function.


Not secure
:version:`2.0.0 <v1.10.0...v2.0.0>` - 2020-07-01


- **BREAKING**. Base URL handling. ``base_url`` now is treated as one with a base path included.
You should pass a full base URL now instead:

.. code:: bash

schemathesis run --base-url= ...

This value will override ``basePath`` / ``servers[0].url`` defined in your schema if you use
Open API 2.0 / 3.0 respectively. Previously if you pass a base URL like the one above, it
was concatenated with the base path defined in the schema, which leads to a lack of ability
to redefine the base path. :issue:`511`


- Show the correct URL in CLI progress when the base URL is overridden, including the path part. :issue:`511`
- Construct valid URL when overriding base URL with base path. :issue:`511`


.. code:: bash

Base URL in the schema :
`--base-url` value in CLI :
Full URLs before this change : # INVALID!
Full URLs after this change : # VALID!


- Support for hooks without `context` argument in the first position.
- Hooks registration by name and function. Use ``register`` decorators instead. For more details, see the "Customization" section in our documentation.
- ``BaseSchema.with_hook`` and ``BaseSchema.register_hook``. Use ``BaseSchema.hooks.apply`` and ``BaseSchema.hooks.register`` instead.


Not secure
:version:`1.10.0 <v1.9.1...v1.10.0>` - 2020-06-28


- ``loaders.from_asgi`` supports making calls to ASGI-compliant application (For example: FastAPI). :issue:`521`
- Support for GraphQL strategies.


- Passing custom headers to schema loader for WSGI / ASGI apps. :issue:`631`

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