
Latest version: v3.36.3

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Not secure
:version:`0.16.0 <v0.15.0...v0.16.0>` - 2019-11-19


- Display RNG seed in the CLI output to allow test reproducing. :issue:`267`
- Allow specifying seed in CLI.
- Ability to pass custom kwargs to the ``requests.get`` call in ``loaders.from_uri``.


- Refactor case generation strategies: strategy is not used to generate empty value. :issue:`253`
- Improved error message for invalid path parameter declaration. :issue:`255`


- Pytest fixture parametrization via ``pytest_generate_tests``. :issue:`280`
- Support for tests defined as methods. :issue:`282`
- Unclosed ``requests.Session`` on calling ```` without passing a session explicitly. :issue:`286`


Not secure
:version:`0.15.0 <v0.14.0...v0.15.0>` - 2019-11-15


- Support for OpenAPI 3.0 server variables (base_path). :issue:`40`
- Support for ``format: byte``. :issue:`254`
- Response schema conformance check in CLI / Runner. :issue:`256`
- Docker image for CLI. :issue:`268`
- Pre-run hooks for CLI. :issue:`147`
- A way to register custom checks for CLI via ``schemathesis.register_check``. :issue:`270`


- Not encoded path parameters. :issue:`272`


- Verbose messages are displayed in the CLI on failed checks. :issue:`261`


Not secure
:version:`0.14.0 <v0.13.2...v0.14.0>` - 2019-11-09


- CLI: Support file paths in the ``schema`` argument. :issue:`119`
- Checks to verify response status & content type in CLI / Runner. :issue:`101`


- Custom base URL handling in CLI / Runner. :issue:`248`


- Raise an error if the schema has a body for GET requests. :issue:`218`
- Method names are case insensitive during direct schema access. :issue:`246`


Not secure
:version:`0.13.2 <v0.13.1...v0.13.2>` - 2019-11-05


- ``IndexError`` when Hypothesis found inconsistent test results during the test execution in the runner. :issue:`236`


Not secure
:version:`0.13.1 <v0.13.0...v0.13.1>` - 2019-11-05


- Support for binary format :issue:`197`


- Error that happens when there are no success checks in the statistic in CLI. :issue:`237`


Not secure
:version:`0.13.0 <v0.12.2...v0.13.0>` - 2019-11-03


- An option to configure request timeout for CLI / Runner. :issue:`204`
- A help snippet to reproduce errors caught by Schemathesis. :issue:`206`
- Total running time to the CLI output. :issue:`181`
- Summary line in the CLI output with the number of passed / failed / errored endpoint tests. :issue:`209`
- Extra information to the CLI output: schema address, spec version, and base URL. :issue:`188`


- Compatibility with Hypothesis 4.42.4+ . :issue:`212`
- Display flaky errors only in the "ERRORS" section and improve CLI output. :issue:`215`
- Handling ``formData`` parameters in ````. :issue:`196`
- Handling cookies in ````. :issue:`211`


- More readable falsifying examples output. :issue:`127`
- Show exceptions in a separate section of the CLI output. :issue:`203`
- Error message for cases when it is not possible to satisfy schema parameters. It should be more clear now. :issue:`216`
- Do not stop on schema errors related to a single endpoint. :issue:`139`
- Display a proper error message when the schema is not available in CLI / Runner. :issue:`214`

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