:version:`1.7.0 <v1.6.3...v1.7.0>` - 2020-05-30
- Support for YAML files in references via HTTPS & HTTP schemas. :issue:`600`
- Stateful testing support via ``Open API links`` syntax. :issue:`548`
- New ``add_case`` hook. :issue:`458`
- Support for parameter serialization formats in Open API 2 / 3. For example ``pipeDelimited`` or ``deepObject``. :issue:`599`
- Support serializing parameters with ``application/json`` content-type. :issue:`594`
- The minimum required versions for ``Hypothesis`` and ``hypothesis-jsonschema`` are ``5.15.0`` and ``0.11.1`` respectively.
The main reason is `this fix <https://github.com/HypothesisWorks/hypothesis/commit/4c7f3fbc55b294f13a503b2d2af0d3221fd37938>`_ that is
required for stability of Open API links feature when it is executed in multiple threads.