:version:`3.8.0 <v3.7.8...v3.8.0>` - 2021-06-03
- Negative testing. :issue:`65`
- ``Case.data_generation_method`` attribute that provides the information of the underlying data generation method (e.g. positive or negative)
- Raise ``UsageError`` if ``schema.parametrize`` or ``schema.given`` are applied to the same function more than once. :issue:`1194`
- Python values of ``True``, ``False`` and ``None`` are converted to their JSON equivalents when generated for path parameters or query. :issue:`1166`
- Bump ``hypothesis-jsonschema`` version. It allows the end-user to override known string formats.
- Bump ``hypothesis`` version.
- ``APIOperation.make_case`` behavior. If no ``media_type`` is passed along with ``body``, then it tries to infer the proper media type and raises an error if it is not possible. :issue:`1094`
- Compatibility with ``hypothesis>=6.13.3``.