* Allow s3.Bucket AccessControl to be an AWSHelperFn
* Add AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::ListenerCertificate
* Add serverless FunctionName and change how Tags are implemented
* Make AdjustmentType an optional property of ScalingPolicy as it is not used/supported for target (849)
* Add maintenance window for SSM (851)
* Add Tags, Tracing, KmsKeyArn, DLQ to serverless(SAM) (853)
* Add new AWS::SSM resources (854)
* EC2 NoDevice should be type boolean not dict (858)
* Fixes RecordColumns cardinality for InputSchema and ReferenceSchema (859)
* Make AWS::Batch::JobQueue::JobQueueName optional (860)
* Fixes ApplicationOutput/Output cardinality (863)