
Latest version: v4.8.3

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* Add support for VPCOptions in ElasticSearch (862)
* Add Description property for security group ingress and egress (910)
* Add QueryLoggingConfig to Route53::HostedZone
* Add SourceRegion to RDS::DBInstance
* Add RootVolumeSize and caleDownBehavior to EMR::Cluster
* Add new properties to ElastiCache::ReplicationGroup
* Add LinuxParameters to ECS::TaskDefinition ContainerDefinitions
* Add LifecyclePolicy to ECR::Repository
* Add ScheduledActions to ApplicationAutoScaling::ScalableTarget
* Add new properties into ApiGateway



* Output yaml (to_yaml) using cfn_flip (Fixes 567)
* Allow AWSHelperFn for CodeCommit Trigger Event(s) (869)
* Adding the AWS::Glue resources (872)
* Use a list for Serverless::Function Tags (873)
* Support ProcessingConfiguration for Elasticsearch and Redshift (876)
* Fixes incorrect class definition. (877)
* Add TargetGroupInfo to DeploymentGroup 884 (895)
* Reverting 810 as AWS has changed the casing again (896)
* Add EMR Cluster MasterInstanceFleet and CoreInstanceFleet properties (897)
* Add EMR Cluster CustomAmiId (888) (898)
* Add SecurityGroupRule Description property (885) (899)
* Add support for tags in AWS::KMS::Key. (900)
* Adding OriginReadTimeout aka OriginResponseTimeout to cloudfront origin settings (901)
* Added property for OriginKeepaliveTimeout
* Add CloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity type (903)
* Added support for VpnTunnelOptionsSpecifications (904)
* Allow ref on Parameter (905)
* Adds Tags to Cloudfront Distribution (906)
* CloudFront: add IPV6Enabled property for DistributionConfig (908)
* Add OptionVersion to RDS:OptionConfigurations
* Add Tags to OpsWorks Layer and Stack
* Add LifecycleHookSpecification in AutoScalingGroup
* Add AmazonSideAsn to EC2::VPNGateway
* Add StateMachineName to StepFunctions::StateMachine
* Change KMS::Key to accept a standard Tags
* Add LambdaFunctionAssociations to CloudFront CacheBehaviors
* Add ResourceName to elasticbeanstalk OptionSettings
* Add AnalyticsConfigurations and InventoryConfigurations to S3::Bucket
* Add RequestValidatorId and OperationName to ApiGateway::Method
* Add deprecation warning for StageName in ApiGateway StageDescription
* Add AWS::CloudFront::StreamingDistribution



* Set EC2 BlockDeviceMapping NoDevice property to type dict (866)



* Allow s3.Bucket AccessControl to be an AWSHelperFn
* Add AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::ListenerCertificate
* Add serverless FunctionName and change how Tags are implemented
* Make AdjustmentType an optional property of ScalingPolicy as it is not used/supported for target (849)
* Add maintenance window for SSM (851)
* Add Tags, Tracing, KmsKeyArn, DLQ to serverless(SAM) (853)
* Add new AWS::SSM resources (854)
* EC2 NoDevice should be type boolean not dict (858)
* Fixes RecordColumns cardinality for InputSchema and ReferenceSchema (859)
* Make AWS::Batch::JobQueue::JobQueueName optional (860)
* Fixes ApplicationOutput/Output cardinality (863)



* Note: the s3.Bucket change (844) *may* cause a breaking change for non*named arguments.
* Add DefinitionBody to serverless API (822)
* Adding kinesis stream source to firehose (823)
* Add `Event::Rule::Target::EcsParameters` (824)
* Add S3 Transfer Acceleration to AWS::S3::Bucket (833)
* Add AvailabilityZone property to TargetDescription (834)
* Add Tags to NATGateway (835)
* Add ResourceLifecycleConfig to ElasticBeanstalk (836)
* Add AWS::Athena::NamedQuery (837)
* Added platformArn to Environment and ConfigurationTemplate (839)
* Events target (fixes 830) (840)
* Refactor s3.Bucket to remove custom __init__() and add tests (844)
* Be more explicit on the use of the Tags object for Tags (845)



* Added missing EU_WEST_2 constants. (776)
* Override object validation (780)
* Update PyPI Information (785)
* Adding IPv6 changes to AWS::EC2::Subnet (786)
* NetworkACL Protocl Constants (787)
* Add support for EFS encryption (789)
* Add AWS::ApiGateway::GatewayResponse (790)
* Add support for aurora*postgresql as a valid DB engine (791)
* adding sqs server side encryption (793)
* Support new code deploy options (794)
* Add AWS Batch Support (796)
* VPC expansion support (797)
* Add NLB Functionality (806)
* Fix typos in examples/ (807)
* Revert "Accept Join type as parameter default value as it returns a string (752)" (808)
* Change Cognito UserPool SchemaAttribute required value to boolean (809)
* Updating case of 'AssignIPv6AddressOnCreation' (810)
* Fix spelling error to in RedshiftVPC example (811)
* EFS example: SecurityGroupRule can't be referred to as a Ref (813)
* Update README.rst with current supported resources (814)
* Add CloudTrail EventSelectors (815)
* Add DAX support (818)
* Add KinesisAnalytics support (819)
* Add new ApiGateway resources (820)
* Add autoscaling example for http requests that closes 630 (821)
* Add new S3 Lifecycle Rule properties
* Add IoT DynamoDBv2Action and update DynamoDBAction properties
* Add EventSourceToken to Lambda::Permission
* Add new pseudo parameters
* Add DocumentationVersion to AWS::ApiGateway::Stage
* Add S3 Bucket MetricsConfiguration and fix TagFilter spelling
* Add TargetType to ELBv2::TargetGroup
* Add TargetTrackingConfiguration to AutoScaling::ScalingPolicy
* Add ReplaceUnhealthyInstances and Type to SpotFleetRequestConfigData
* Add ExtendedS3DestinationConfiguration to firehose DeliveryStream
* Add AWS::EC2::NetworkInterfacePermission

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