* Fix two elasticache properties [GH*196]
* Add interim MinimumProtocolVersion to CloudFront ViewerCertificate [GH*218]
* Missing OriginPath in cloudfront.py [GH*220]
* Fix DBInstance constraints in order to allow the creation of RDS read*only replicas [GH*221]
* Add properties CharacterSetName, KmsKeyId, and StorageEncrypted to AWS::RDS::DBInstance [GH*224]
* Add Route53 HostedZoneVPCs, HostedZoneTags, HealthCheckTags
* Add new properties from 2015*04*16 CloudFormation release [GH*225, GH*240]
* Allow default region for GetAZs() [GH*232]
* Make AvailabilityZones parameter optional in AutoScalingGroup
* EventSubscription resource + EC2 types [GH*227]
* Python 3.4 support [GH*228]
* examples fix: users is list [GH*237]
* SNS Topic fields are not required [GH*230]
* Make AvailabilityZones parameter optional in AutoScalingGroup [GH*236]