* Use subnet group for param, not vpc securitygroup [GH*65]
* Add support for Equals function and Condition [GH*66]
* Added ELB access logs and CrossZone test [GH*67]
* Added support for more condition functions [GH*69]
* Tweaked a few integer validation messages [GH*71]
* Fix resource.name backward compatibility regression
* Fix pep8 errors due to new pep8 1.5.x changes [GH*72]
* Allow Ref() in VPNGatewayRoutePropagation RouteTableIds list [GH*73]
* Add OpsWorks Support [GH*74]
* Add AutoScalingGroup TerminationPolicies [GH*77, GH*87]
* Add new property MetricsCollection [GH*79]
* Patching Users class to use basestring or Ref type for Groups [GH*80]
* Added support for Kinesis [GH*81]
* Allow autoscaling group to support 'min instances in service' and 'max size' values that are Refs [GH*82]
* Added support for Redshift [GH*84]
* Add DestinationSecurityGroupId in ec2.SecurityGroupRule [GH*85]
* Add CloudFront CacheBehavior [GH*86]
* Tweak UpdatePolicy properties [GH*88]
* Tweaks to rds.DNInstance [GH*89]
* Tweaks to EC2 DeviceIndex property values [GH*90]
* Fix AutoScalingGroup MinSize MaxSize [ GH*92]
* Add Encrypted option to AWS::EC2::Volume [GH*96]
* Add missing config to s3.Bucket [GH*97]
* Add CloudFront DistributionConfig, CacheBehavior and DefaultCacheBehavior [GH*98]
* Add EC2 Instance InstanceInitiatedShutdownBehavior [GH*99]
* Updating the block device options for AutoScalingGroups [GH*100]
* Added support for AWS::CloudFormation::Init in AutoScalingGroup [GH*101]
* Added VPCPeering class [GH*102]
* Opworks CustomJson property expects a JSON object not a string [GH*103]
* Add support for VersioningConfiguration on S3 buckets [GH*104]
* Added Logs resource type [GH*105]
* Add PlacementGroup param to AutoScalingGroup [GH*111]
* Add VpcPeeringConnectionId parameter to EC2 Route [GH*113]
* Make RDS DBInstance MasterUsername and MasterPassword optional [GH*116]
* Add CloudTrail, tweaks to CloudWatch Alarm, and support route53 AliasTarger EvaluateTargetHealth [GH*117]
* Add LogDeliveryWrite canned ACL for S3 bucket [GH*118]