* Add Description property to EC2::TransitGateway (1674)
* Adding AWS::ImageBuilder::Image object, per May 7, 2020 update
* Adding missing AWS::ApiGatewayV2::VpcLink object
* Adding new AWS::SSM::Association property, per May 7, 2020 update
* Update template_generator.py
* Handle list type properties with a function validator (1673)
* Change RegularExpressionList
* Remove Regex object in favour of basestring
* Bug Fixes: wafv2 names not required
* Update instance types in constants
* Add AWS::CodeStarConnections::Connection props, per May 14, 2020 update
* Adding misc AWS::DMS properties, per May 14, 2020 update
* Adding misc AWS::MediaStore::Container properties, per May 14, 2020 update
* updating AWS::ServiceCatalog::CloudFormationProduct properties, per May 14, 2020 update
* Changing AWS::Synthetics::Canary props, per May 14, 2020 update
* Adding misc AWS::GlobalAccelerator objects, per May 14, 2020 update
* Adding new AWS::Macie resources, per May 14, 2020 update
* Add sample Aurora Serverless RDS template
* Fixing misc AWS::ImageBuilder properties
* Updating AWS::StepFunctions::StateMachine props, per May 21, 2020 update
* Update AWS::SSM::Parameter properties, per May 21, 2020 update
* Update AWS::CodeBuild::ReportGroup properties, per May 21, 2020 update
* Fix bools in example output
* Adding hibernation options to LaunchTemplateData
* ExcludedRules are listed directly, not wrapped
* fix syntax
* add OnSuccess
* Update AWS::EFS::AccessPoint per 2020-05-28 changes
* Update AWS::CodeGuruProfiler::ProfilingGroup per 2020-06-03 changes
* Update AWS::EC2::ClientVpnEndpoint per 2020-05-28 changes
* Add DBProxy and DBProxyTargetGroup to AWS::RDS per 2020-06-04 changes
* Add support for ARM and GPU containers for CodeBuild (1699)
* Fix S3Encryptions in Glue EncryptionConfiguration (1725)
* Convert stepfunctions.DefinitionSubstitutions to dict (1726)
* Add GroundStation link (1727)
* Update AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::LoadBalancer per 2020-06-11 changes
* Update AWS::ElastiCache::ReplicationGroup per 2020-06-11 changes
* Update AWS::CloudFront::Distribution per 2020-06-11 changes
* Update AWS::CertificateManager::Certificate per 2020-06-11 changes
* Update AWS::EC2::Volume per 2020-06-11 changes
* Add AWS::IoT::ProvisioningTemplate per 2020-06-04 changes (Fixes 1723)
* Added Serverless::Application and Serverless ApplicationLocation (1549)
* Fix required setting for SageMaker::Model PrimaryContainer (Fixes 1729)
* Added capacity providers
* Update AWS::EFS::FileSystem per 2020-06-16 changes
* Update AWS::Lambda::Function per 2020-06-16 changes
* Update AWS::FMS::Policy per 2020-06-18 changes
* Fix tests and alphabetize properties in ECS
* Update AWS::ServiceDiscovery per 2020-06-22 changes
* This isn't required
* Update AWS::AppMesh per 2020-06-25 changes
* Support attribute Mode for SageMaker Model ContainerDefinition
* Add SourcePrefixListId to the ec2.SecurityGroupIngress validator (Fixes 1739)
* Add ApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOption for KinesisAnalyticsV2 (Fixes 1738)
* Add required TargetGroupName to DBProxyTargetGroup
* Add VpcConfiguration to AWS::KinesisFirehose::DeliveryStream (Fixes 1717)
* Update AWS::Events::Rule per 2020-07-06 changes
* Add AWS::QLDB::Stream per 2020-07-08 update
* Add AWS::CodeGuruProfiler::ProfilingGroup.ComputePlatform per 2020-07-09 update
* Add AWS::CodeBuild::Project Source: BuildStatusConfig per 2020-0709 update
* Add AWS::Athena::DataCatalog per 2020-07-09 update
* Add AWS::EC2::PrefixList per 2020-07-09 update
* Add AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::Listener.AlpnPolicy per 2020-07-09 update
* Update AWS::Synthetics per 2020-07-09 update
* Add AWS::Amplify::App.EnableBranchAutoDeletion per 2020-07-09 update
* Update AWS::FSx::FileSystem.LustreConfiguration per 2020-07-09 update
* Update AWS::Amplify::Domain per 2020-07-09 update