* Remove unnecessary AWSHelperFn from props
* ReplicationConfigurationRules Destination is now an object (380)
* Add WAF SizeConstraintSet and XssMatchSet
* Logs SubscriptionFilter (413)
* Elasticsearch support (415)
* Fixed ConfigSnapshotDeliveryProperties type (420)
* Adding support for EMR resources (421)
* Fix `ecs.TaskDefinition.Volumes` that was incorrectly flagged as required (422)
* AWS::ECR test example (423)
* Add cloudfront hostedzoneid for route53 (427)
* Typo in variable name (431)
* ScalingAdjustment is an integer (432)
* Add Compress to CloudFront (433)
* Added missing S3OriginConfig parameter(437)
* Allow both GetAtt and a basestring (440)
* Add VpcConfig to AWS::Lambda::Function (442)
* Add Version Resource to awslambda (443)
* Add Alias Resource to awslambda (444)
* Ignore If expression during validation of ASG (446)
* Add test and tweak fix for ASG MaxSize If fix (446)
* Provide Valid Lambda Function Memory Values for use in Parameters (449)
* Add FunctionName to Lambda::Function (452)
* Add support for EBS volume configuration in EMR resources (453)
* Add elasticsearch instance type constants (454)
* DomainName isn't a required parameter (457)
* Create Documentation To Help Contributors (458)
* Move Groups to property, add policy template version (460)
* Fix Elasticsarch Domain object naming and add backward compatibility (461)
* EC2 update FromPort, ToPort and Egress as optional (463)
* ApiGateway Resources (466)
* Added CloudWatch Events support (467)
* Import JSON Templates (468)
* Fix config Source object to take a list of SourceDetails (469)
* Update Contribute Document to Use Requirements.txt (470)
* Update to Apr 25, 2016 release (471)
* Implement LifecycleRule Transitions property (472)
* Better AWSHelperFn support in template generator (473)
* Fix Bucket AccessControl to allow Ref (475)
* Fix baseclass for AWS::Logs::Destination (481)
* Add test for AWS::Logs::Destination (482)