- Add buildAllDep option && Fix package verstion estimation for ParseSpecCmsswdist. (Todor Ivanov) 11132 - Bring dbs3-client version to 4.0.8 (Alan Malta Rodrigues) 11138 - speed up listDatasetFileDetails API (Valentin Kuznetsov) 11099 - Remove profile scope (Valentin Kuznetsov) 11134
- fix unit tests (Alan Malta Rodrigues) 11119 - Properly handle OpenRunningTimeout in WorkQueue (Alan Malta Rodrigues) 11119 - Switch from pep8 to pycodestyle (Erik Gough) 11128 - first draft of iam-token script (Valentin Kuznetsov) 11093 - Add T3_US_Lancium. (Todor Ivanov) 11126
- Enforce dataset_lifetime column to be integer and not null (Alan Malta Rodrigues) 11115 - Remove block open logic from DBS3Reader and WorkQueue (Alan Malta Rodrigues) 11123
- change fallback for missing system xrootd-client (Dirk Hufnagel) 11117 - Update ReqMgr2 CP thread to properly deal with aborted/force-complete workflows (Alan Malta Rodrigues) 11113 - Create script to cancel GQEs (Alan Malta Rodrigues) 11113 - Remove support for Unpacking user tarballs. No longer used by CRAB. (khurtado) 11114 - Minor test json template updates (Alan Malta Rodrigues) 10864 - Check CMSSW version before getting sim-datatier map (germanfgv) 11110
- move ckey/cert functions to Utils.CertTools (Valentin Kuznetsov) 11101 - Add bin and dependencies to wmcore PyPI package (Erik Gough) 11103 - Remove cPickle support (Erik Gough) 11096 - Update wmagent deploy script to add opportunistic resources one by one (Alan Malta Rodrigues) 11097 - Support adding diskless resources into the database (Alan Malta Rodrigues) 11097 - Remove no longer needed code in the StatusChangeTasks ReqMgr2 thread (Alan Malta Rodrigues) 11095 - Bump WMAgent deployment example to the latest stable version (Alan Malta Rodrigues) 11091 - Remove PFNs from a final document we send to WMArchive (Valentin Kuznetsov) 10998
- Enhance logic to map ScramArch to OS (Alan Malta Rodrigues) 11088 - When ScramArch is empty str/list/None, return any as required_os (Alan Malta Rodrigues) 11083 - If job requires rhel8 container, use slc7 python libraries (Alan Malta Rodrigues) 11077 - Assign the correct activity for Tape_Test RSEs (Jhonatan Amado) 11067