
Latest version: v2.3.7.4

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- Attempt to handle invalid transactions better in the monitoring. Fixes 3914.
- Merge pull request 30 from ticoann/monitoring
- Fix ReqMgr handling of json encoded parameters. Fixes 3933.
- Allow setting the processing version per task for TaskChain requests. Fixes 3896.
- Fix rewrite rule for allDocs in couchskel. Fixes 3932.
- Kill jobs by WallClock time from the WN. Fixes 3945.
- Require performance information when creating a request. Fixes 3942.
- More support for DQM Harveting in the PromptReco spec. Fixes 3952.
- Merge branch 'master' of github.com:dmwm/WMCore
- Merge pull request 29 from hufnagel/mydev1
- remove sqlite support
- Merge pull request 28 from samircury/harvest-optional-proxy
- Merge pull request 26 from hufnagel/master
- Merge pull request 23 from dballesteros7/promptskimming
- Merge branch 'master' into harvest-optional-proxy
- Revert "adding the task without proxy"
- Revert "Now adds the proxy, all T0 share is commited in the other repo"
- making the proxy optional for the harvest task
- support Tier0 repack error datasets in WMCore, fixes 3949
- change unit test to cover another use case, fixes 3885
- rewrite SiblingSubscriptionsComplete DAO, fixes 3885


- Last time.


- Another attempt.


- New release to test build script.


- Merge pull request 20 from stuartw/patch/buildrelease/github
- Fix broken buildrelease script
- Merge pull request 19 from stuartw/patch/buildrelease/github
- Missed line in buildrelease move to github
- Modify buildrelease script for pure git
- Merge branch 'wmcore-rest'
- Merge pull request 17 from samircury/dqmupload-fix-proxy
- Merge pull request 18 from hufnagel/mydev
- add DQM harvest method to StdBase, fixes 3863
- add special DAO for Harvest job splitter, fixes 3825
- adding a DAO that Harvest Jobsplitter needs
- adding the harvest algorithm
- adds unit test for the Harvesting algorithm
- Commenting out the only part that prevents DQMUpload to work in T0
- Merge pull request 16 from sfoulkes/master
- Fix problems with disabling straight-to-merge. Fixes 3909.
- Merge pull request 15 from sfoulkes/master
- Remove test lines from the CHANGES file.
- Merge remote branch 'upstream/master'
- Test commit.
- Dummy commmit, please ignore
- Merge branch 'svnmaster' into wmcore-rest
- Change XML output format to support arbitrary keys.
- Allow authz_match to work (and fail) if user is missing.
- Fix new substitutions to work also in absence of values.
- Allow value and file substitutions on the front page.
- Not all PUT/POST requests bodies have rfile.
- REST API classes from SiteDB.
- External files removed by automatic javascript compression.
- Add setup.py --compress option to minify HTML, CSS and JS assets.
- Split module documentation into individual files.
- Add setup.py --skip-docs option to skip documentation build.


- Improved ResourceControl and job scheduling. Fixes 3888.
- Support DQM sequences in the PromptReco and Tier1PromptReco specs. Fixes 3879.
- Fail input files for paused jobs that are failed. Fixes 3897.
- Update run and lumi information in WMBS if it is missing. Fixes 3875.
- Cleanups to the Tier1PromptReco spec. Fixes 3850.
- Properly handle files with 0 events in the WorkQueue and job splitting. Fixes 3596.
- Don't kill jobs with a state time of 0. Fixes 3889.
- Make the ForceUnmerged parameter disable straight-to-merge. Fixes 3890.
- Don't associate a CMSSW version with a request if one doesn't already exist. Fixes 3883.
- Report the grid name properly to the dashboard. Fixes 3808.
- Report the plugin used for job submission to the dashboard. Fixes 3893.
- Improve logging in the bootstrapping code. Fixes 3898.
- Ensure that CouchDB URLs do not end in a '/'. Fixes 3899.
- Modified analysis WMSpec: it does not send a logcollect job if saveLog=False. Fixes 3855
- Modify the ParentlessMergeBySize and SiblingProcessingBased subscriptions so that
they work correctly with files available at multiple sites. Fixes 3906.
- Handle some issue with the ConfigSection stuff with nested containers and nested ConfigSections. Fixes 3891.
- Add DBSPublisher.couch_instance to wmagent-couchapp-init and wmagent-mod-config, fixes 3892
- Add storage to wmc-runtime package
- Fix bossair monitoring query to support oracle (T0)
- Add postfields parameters for DELETE verb. Fixes 3860

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