
Latest version: v2.3.7.4

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- Minor ReqMgr fixes. Pull request 4357:
* Cloned requests will beging in the assignment-approved state instead
of new.
* PhEDEx subscriptions arguments have been added into the JSON request
- Add the ability to not stage the output of a particular output module
to merged storage. Pull request 4355.


- Add an option to the PhEDExInjector to make only replica subscriptions. Pull
request 4354.
- Fix a bug with the handling of requests with the running-open and running-closed
status in WMStats. Pull request 4353.
- WMStats updates - Add the ability to search by date and Prep ID,
improve the request detail view, add a couch status monitor, fix a
bug when filtering and data is being refreshed. Pull request 4352.
- ReqMgr2 - Oracle, CouchDB database cleanup. Pull request 4351.
- Update the ALCAHarvest runtime code to support the new dropbox
format. Pull request 4950.
- Fix EOS StageIn at CERN. Pull request 4349.
- Fix the DQM Harvesting job splitter so that it properly handles sites
with multiple SEs. Pull request 4348.
- Fix WMBSMergeBySize for sites that have multiple SEs. Pull request


- Fix sandbox creation so that is works with patch releases. Pull request 4339.
- Display docstrings in RESTAPI documentation. Pull request 4340.
- Fix the handling of the site parameter in the error summary when the site
is an empty dictionary. Pull request 4342.
- Fix smart lumi splitting when running over a too big single lumi file.
Pull request 4334.
- Fix the cleanup of the workflow timestamp cache in the JobSubmitter. Pull
request 4335.
- Remove dead code and view from the ReqMgr couchapp. Pull request 4332.
- Avoid crashes on custodial PhEDEx subscriptions to non-MSS sites. Pull
request 4325.
- Ensure that the JobSubmitter submits jobs from the oldest workflow first.
Pull request 4327.
- Add a method to WMStatsReader that reports requests sorted by state that also
includes a timestamp of the last state transition. Pull request 4328.
- Remove dead code from the ConfigCache and clean up views. Pull request
- Fix WMStats so that it functions correctly when there are no jobs in a
request. Pull request 4326.
- Deploy WorkloadSummary with reqmon instead of ReqMgr. Pull request 4232.
- Add a merged flag to the FWJR so that it's possible to calculat lumi information
for monitoring. Pull request 4336.
- WMStats feature development, pull request 4345:
* Change the layout of the warning and summary box.
* Add more filters.
* Propagate more information (lumi, performance, job type)


- Publish job state transition information to WMStats. Pull request 4311.
- Fix timeout kills in the LSF plugin. Pull request 4322.
- Remve the unused RemoteMsg component and OpsClipboard. Pull request 4316
and 4319.
- Make permissions stricter in the ReqMgr when changing request parameters.
Pull request 4313.
- Change LogCollect reporting from a reduce to list to avoid reduce overflows. Pull
request 4312.
- Do the SE name => Site name conversion also for failed jobs. Pull request 4308.


- Fix Reduce function for outputByWorkflowName. Pull request 4310.
- Include the new PSet pickle in the logArchs. Pull request 4307.
- Added basic http(s) url validation for DBS3. Pull request 4306.


- Improve the WorkloadSummary. Add histograms for failing jobs per site and per
step. Add a routine the determine missing lumis in a request. Finally, improve
the unit test in the TaskArchiver for the WorkloadSummary. Pull request 4298.
- Fix the WorkloadSummary unit tests. Pull request 4304.
- Make sure that the status change time is an INT so that it doesn't cause problems
on Oracle. Pull request 4301.
- Allow /store/hidata and /store/himc to be used as base LFNs when assigning
requests. Pull requests 4300 and 4302.
- Add support for requests that read data via xrootd. Pull request 4299.
- Allow the use of configs from the ConfigCache for DQM harvesting. Pull request 4295.
- Allow the user to determine the config cache database to use when making request.
Add a handful of improvements to the ReqMgr Ops script. Pull request 4293.
- Adds a real LogCollect fwjr to the TaskArchiver test and changes to support it better.
Changes in the summary document. Pull request 4291.
- Remove restriction of autoapprove on custodial subscriptions. Pull request 4288.
- Fix the resource control script which had the pending and running slots swapped.
Pull request 4283.
- Check for null auth in the Workload Summary cuchapp and all it. Pull request 4284.
- Propagate output dataset information to WMStats. Pull request 4279.
- Fix the resource control class to correctly insert job types. Pull request 4277.
- Check that files contains at least one good lumi before adding them to WMBS. Pull
request 4285.
- Make component sleeping more configurable. Pull request 4246.
- Add support for veryinf an adler32 checksum in the LCG module. Pull request 4222.
- Remove the auto increment check in the JobCreator as it caused more problems than it
solved. Improve the ChangeState code to handle update conflicts as a more reasonable
work around. Pull request 4147.
- Catch any exceptions that occur when attempting to overwrite a FWJR file. This solves a
problems where permissions may be set incorrectly on FWJR files. Pull request 4164.

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