- Cascade close-out. Implement the option to close-out/announce requests and cascade the status change to all resubmission children for the request. Pull request 4575.
- refactor wmstats adding agent view, adding back search option for job view. Pull request 4577
- Support a many-to-many CMS site to SE relation. Pull request 4576.
- Fix ASO installation scripts. Pull request 4571
- Extend LHEStepZero support. Include a new option that indicates if we are processing lhe input files instead of forking a generator in cmsRun. Pull request 4567
- Align Proxy to the slc6 ui. get-proxy-info returns a string in a different format on the UI found on slc6. Pull request 4559
- Remove site lists for second-level tasks. Pull Request 4568
- Record location changes in WMBS and Couch
- Report where job started. Disregard thresholds for jobs with multiple possible running sites. For monitoring purposes, report one random site in the possible site list as the 'pending' site. Pull request 4557
- Priority handling improvement allowing priorities to span schedds. Pull request 4554
- Fix cases where performance parameters are None. Pull request 4549
- Make robust merge jobs. Pull request 4580, 4566