- [py2py3] fix unittests from 10295 - src (Dario Mapelli) 10581
- remove EventAwareLumiByWork_t unit tests from the py3 unstable list (Alan Malta Rodrigues) 10583
- Sort files by name in EventAwareLumiByWork; fix slice 7 unit tests (Alan Malta Rodrigues) 10583
- [py2py3] fix unittests from 10117 - src (Dario Mapelli) 10579
- added one item to and sorted list of py3 unstable unittests (Dario Mapelli) 10575
- [py2py3] fix unittests from 10057, improving REST_t/Simple_t - src (Dario Mapelli) 10575
- Fix Py3 unit tests for slice 6, CouchService_t (Alan Malta Rodrigues) 10578
- Fix unittest from dmwm10529, Proxy_t (Erik Gough)