- Discover the singularity container OS at runtime. (Todor Ivanov) 11896 - add support for rhel9. Fix 11985 (Stefano Belforte) 11897 - providing a checklist for code review (Alan Malta Rodrigues) - Make container level data placement for DQMHarvest; update Start.Policy.Dataset to container too (Alan Malta Rodrigues) 11894
- New function to get dataset locations from MSPileup and its implementation in StartPolicyInterface 11620 (Andrea Piccinelli) 11879 - Parse MSPileup filter as string if only listing one (Dennis Lee) 11886 - Increase JobSubmitter queue size from 50k to 100k (Alan Malta Rodrigues) 11889 - Created MSPileupUtils module and modified GQ CherryPy thread to use MSPileup instead of Rucio (Dennis Lee) 11870
- Dont cross check location when data is reported without location (Alan Malta Rodrigues) 11878 - Python (standard library) implementation of update pileup object script (Valentin Kuznetsov) 11872 - Implement partialPileupTask logic (Valentin Kuznetsov) 11807
- WMAgent stable release (new WorkflowUpdater component)
- Production release for central services (equal to 2.2.6rc8)
- Fix data type passed in Global WorkQueue for getDatasetLocations() (Alan Malta Rodrigues) 11862 - Fix typo in WorkflowUpdater module (Alan Malta Rodrigues) 11859