- Disconsider phedex group for input data existence check (Alan Malta Rodrigues) 9485 - unit test and pylint fixes (Alan Malta Rodrigues) 9483 - Skip input data placement if data has availability AND AAA is enabled (Alan Malta Rodrigues) 9483 - Change 'Comments' format in Json templates. (Todor Ivanov) 9467
- fix unit tests (Alan Malta Rodrigues) 9480 - ReqMgr2MS more configurable: of workflows; status transition; data transfer (Alan Malta Rodrigues) 9480 - Delegate assigned->staging->staged status transition to ReqMgr2MS (Alan Malta Rodrigues) 9481 - fix unit tests and pylint (Alan Malta Rodrigues) 9473 - Properly use the status/info MS REST APIs (Alan Malta Rodrigues) 9473 - Fix ReqMgrAux update wmagent config method (Alan Malta Rodrigues) 9470
- Script to check workflow completion (Alan Malta Rodrigues) 9465 - Set of scripts useful to daily debugging/actions (Alan Malta Rodrigues) 9464 - fix unit tests and pylint (Alan Malta Rodrigues) 9457 - Do not transfer block/dataset if already available within the SiteWhitelist (Alan Malta Rodrigues) 9457 - added more test campaigns to the parseUnifiedCampaigns script (Alan Malta Rodrigues) 9459 - Activate agent after applying patches (Erik Gough) 9454
- log workflows and doc ids going through a deletion process (Alan Malta Rodrigues) 9446 - Close PhEDEx blocks in smaller bulks of location and dataset (Alan Malta Rodrigues) 9438
- fix unit tests and pylint (Alan Malta Rodrigues) 9444 - Keep different datatier caches for different DBS URLs (Alan Malta Rodrigues) 9444 - Adding an error message for missing PU dataset. (Todor Ivanov) 9433