This major release includes features for scheduling, operating, and executing pipelines
that elevate Dagit and dagster from a local development tool to a deployable service.
- `DagsterInstance` introduced as centralized system to control run, event, compute log,
and local intermediates storage.
- A `Scheduler` abstraction has been introduced along side an initial implementation of
`SystemCronScheduler` in `dagster-cron`.
- `dagster-aws` has been extended with a CLI for deploying dagster to AWS. This can spin
up a Dagit node and all the supporting infrastructure—security group, RDS PostgreSQL
instance, etc.—without having to touch the AWS console, and for deploying your code
to that instance.
- **Dagit**
- `Runs`: a completely overhauled Runs history page. Includes the ability to `Retry`,
`Cancel`, and `Delete` pipeline runs from the new runs page.
- `Scheduler`: a page for viewing and interacting with schedules.
- `Compute Logs`: stdout and stderr are now viewable on a per execution step basis in each run.
This is available in real time for currently executing runs and for historical runs.
- A `Reload` button in the top right in Dagit restarts the web-server process and updates
the UI to reflect repo changes, including DAG structure, solid names, type names, etc.
This replaces the previous file system watching behavior.
**Breaking Changes**
- `--log` and `--log-dir` no longer supported as CLI args. Existing runs and events stored
via these flags are no longer compatible with current storage.
- `raise_on_error` moved from in process executor config to argument to arguments in
python API methods such as `execute_pipeline`