
Latest version: v1.9.5

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Not secure
- Fixed an issue with specifying composite output mappings (1674)
- Added support for specifying
[Dask worker resources](https://distributed.dask.org/en/latest/resources.html) (#1679)
- Fixed an issue with launching Dagit on Windows


Not secure
- Execution details are now configurable. The new top-level `ExecutorDefinition` and `executor`
APIs are used to define in-process, multiprocess, and Dask executors, and may be used by users to
define new executors. Like loggers and storage, executors may be added to a `ModeDefinition` and
may be selected and configured through the `execution` field in the environment dict or YAML,
including through Dagit. Executors may no longer be configured through the `RunConfig`.
- The API of dagster-dask has changed. Pipelines are now executed on Dask using the
ordinary `execute_pipeline` API, and the Dask executor is configured through the environment.
(See the dagster-dask README for details.)
- Added the `PresetDefinition.from_files` API for constructing a preset from a list of environment
files (replacing the old usage of this class). `PresetDefinition` may now be directly
instantiated with an environment dict.
- Added a prototype integration with [dbt](https://www.getdbt.com/).
- Added a prototype integration with [Great Expectations](https://greatexpectations.io/).
- Added a prototype integration with [Papertrail](https://papertrailapp.com/).
- Added the dagster-bash library.
- Added the dagster-ssh library.
- Added the dagster-sftp library.
- Loosened the PyYAML compatibility requirement.
- The dagster CLI no longer takes a `--raise-on-error` or `--no-raise-on-error` flag. Set this
option in executor config.
- Added a `MarkdownMetadataEntryData` class, so events yielded from client code may now render
markdown in their metadata.
- Bug fixes, documentation improvements, and improvements to error display.


Not secure
- Dagit now accepts parameters via environment variables prefixed with `DAGIT_`, e.g. `DAGIT_PORT`.
- Fixes an issue with reexecuting Dagstermill notebooks from Dagit.
- Bug fixes and display improvments in Dagit.


Not secure
- Reworked the display of structured log information and system events in Dagit, including support
for structured rendering of client-provided event metadata.
- Dagster now generates events when intermediates are written to filesystem and S3 storage, and
these events are displayed in Dagit and exposed in the GraphQL API.
- Whitespace display styling in Dagit can now be toggled on and off.
- Bug fixes, display nits and improvements, and improvements to JS build process, including better
display for some classes of errors in Dagit and improvements to the config editor in Dagit.


Not secure
- Pinned RxPY to 1.6.1 to avoid breaking changes in 3.0.0 (py3-only).
- Most definition objects are now read-only, with getters corresponding to the previous properties.
- The `valueRepr` field has been removed from `ExecutionStepInputEvent` and
- Bug fixes and Dagit UX improvements, including SQL highlighting and error handling.


Not secure
- Added top-level `define_python_dagster_type` function.
- Renamed `metadata_fn` to `typecheck_metadata_fn` in all runtime type creation APIs.
- Renamed `result_value` and `result_values` to `output_value` and `output_values` on
- Dagstermill: Reworked public API now contains only `define_dagstermill_solid`, `get_context`,
`yield_event`, `yield_result`, `DagstermillExecutionContext`, `DagstermillError`, and
`DagstermillExecutionError`. Please see the new
for details.
- Bug fixes, including failures for some dagster CLI invocations and incorrect handling of Airflow

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