
Latest version: v4.54.1

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Not secure

- [otlLib] Fixed error when chained contextual lookup builder overflows (2404, 2411).
- [bezierTools] Fixed two floating-point bugs: one when computing `t` for a point
lying on an almost horizontal/vertical line; another when computing the intersection
point between a curve and a line (2413).


Not secure

- [ttLib/otTables] Cleaned up virtual GID handling: allow virtual GIDs in ``Coverage``
and ``ClassDef`` readers; removed unused ``allowVID`` argument from ``TTFont``
constructor, and ``requireReal`` argument in ``TTFont.getGlyphID`` method.
Make ``TTFont.setGlyphOrder`` clear reverse glyphOrder map, and assume ``glyphOrder``
internal attribute is never modified outside setGlyphOrder; added ``TTFont.getGlyphNameMany``
and ``getGlyphIDMany`` (1536, 1654, 2334, 2398).
- [py23] Dropped internal use of ``fontTools.py23`` module to fix deprecation warnings
in client code that imports from fontTools (2234, 2399, 2400).
- [subset] Fix subsetting COLRv1 clip boxes when font is loaded lazily (2408).


Not secure

- [otTables] Added missing ``CompositeMode.PLUS`` operator (2390).


Not secure

- [transform] Added ``transformVector`` and ``transformVectors`` methods to the
``Transform`` class. Similar to ``transformPoint`` but ignore the translation
part (2386).


Not secure

- [xmlWriter] Default to ``"\n"`` for ``newlinestr`` instead of platform-specific
``os.linesep`` (2384).
- [otData] Define COLRv1 ClipList and ClipBox (2379).
- [removeOverlaps/instancer] Added --ignore-overlap-errors option to work around
Skia PathOps.Simplify bug (2382, 2363, google/fonts3365).
- NOTE: This will be the last version to support Python 3.6. FontTools will require
Python 3.7 or above from the next release (2350)


Not secure

- [COLRv1] Various changes to sync with the latest CORLv1 draft spec. In particular:
define COLR.VarIndexMap, remove/inline ColorIndex struct, add VarIndexBase to ``PaintVar*`` tables (2372);
add reduced-precicion specialized transform Paints;
define Angle as fraction of half circle encoded as F2Dot14;
use FWORD (int16) for all Paint center coordinates;
change PaintTransform to have an offset to Affine2x3;
- [ttLib] when importing XML, only set sfntVersion if the font has no reader and is empty (2376)

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