
Latest version: v4.53.0

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Not secure

- [otTables] Fixed ``AttributeError`` in methods that split LigatureSubst,
MultipleSubst and AlternateSubst subtables when an offset overflow occurs.
The ``Format`` attribute was removed in v4.22.0 (2319).


Not secure

- [ttGlyphPen] Fixed typing annotation of TTGlyphPen glyphSet parameter (2315).
- Fixed two instances of DeprecationWarning: invalid escape sequence (2311).


Not secure

- [subset] Fixed AttributeError when SinglePos subtable has None Value (ValueFormat 0)
(2312, 2313).


Not secure

- [pens] Add ``ttGlyphPen.TTGlyphPointPen`` similar to ``TTGlyphPen`` (2205).


Not secure

- [subset] Fix ``KeyError`` after subsetting ``COLR`` table that initially contains
both v0 and v1 color glyphs when the subset only requested v1 glyphs; we were
not pruning the v0 portion of the table (2308).
- [colorLib] Set ``LayerV1List`` attribute to ``None`` when empty, it's optional
in CORLv1 (2308).


Not secure

- [designspaceLib] Allow to use ``\\UNC`` absolute paths on Windows (2299, 2306).
- [varLib.merger] Fixed bug where ``VarLibMergeError`` was raised with incorrect
parameters (2300).
- [feaLib] Allow substituting a glyph class with ``NULL`` to delete multiple glyphs
- [glyf] Fixed ``NameError`` exception in ``getPhantomPoints`` (2295, 2305).
- [removeOverlaps] Retry pathops.simplify after rounding path coordinates to integers
if it fails the first time using floats, to work around a rare and hard to debug
Skia bug (2288).
- [varLib] Added support for building, reading, writing and optimizing 32-bit
``ItemVariationStore`` as used in COLRv1 table (2285).
- [otBase/otConverters] Add array readers/writers for int types (2285).
- [feaLib] Allow more than one lookahead glyph/class in contextual positioning with
"value at end" (2293, 2294).
- [COLRv1] Default varIdx should be 0xFFFFFFFF (2297, 2298).
- [pens] Make RecordingPointPen actually pass on identifiers; replace asserts with
explicit ``PenError`` exception (2284).
- [mutator] Round lsb for CF2 fonts as well (2286).

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