
Latest version: v4.54.1

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- Fixed uploading wheels to PyPI, no code changes since v4.48.0.



- [varLib] Do not log when there are no OTL tables to be merged.
- [] Do not restrict lxml<5 any more, tests pass just fine with lxml>=5.
- [feaLib] Remove glyph and class names length restrictions in FEA (3424).
- [roundingPens] Added ``transformRoundFunc`` parameter to the rounding pens to allow
for custom rounding of the components' transforms (3426).
- [feaLib] Keep declaration order of ligature components within a ligature set, instead
of sorting by glyph name (3429).
- [feaLib] Fixed ordering of alternates in ``aalt`` lookups, following the declaration
order of feature references within the ``aalt`` feature block (3430).
- [varLib.instancer] Fixed a bug in the instancer's IUP optimization (3432).
- [sbix] Support sbix glyphs with new graphicType "flip" (3433).
- [svgPathPen] Added ``--glyphs`` option to dump the SVG paths for the named glyphs
in the font (0572f78).
- [designspaceLib] Added "description" attribute to ``<mappings>`` and ``<mapping>``
elements, and allow multiple ``<mappings>`` elements to group ``<mapping>`` elements
that are logically related (3435, 3437).
- [otlLib] Correctly choose the most compact GSUB contextual lookup format (3439).



Minor release to fix uploading wheels to PyPI.



- [merge] Improve help message and add standard command line options (3408)
- [otlLib] Pass ``ttFont`` to ``name.addName`` in ``buildStatTable`` (3406)
- [featureVars] Re-use ``FeatureVariationRecord``'s when possible (3413)



- [varLib.models] New API for VariationModel: ``getMasterScalars`` and
- [varLib.interpolatable] Various bugfixes and rendering improvements. In particular,
add a Summary page in the front, and an Index and Table-of-Contents in the back.
Change the page size to Letter.
- [Docs/designspaceLib] Defined a new ``public.fontInfo`` lib key, not used anywhere yet (3358).



- [featureVars] Allow to register the same set of substitution rules to multiple features.
The ``addFeatureVariations`` function can now take a list of featureTags; similarly, the
lib key 'com.github.fonttools.varLib.featureVarsFeatureTag' can now take a
comma-separateed string of feature tags (e.g. "salt,ss01") instead of a single tag (3360).
- [featureVars] Don't overwrite GSUB FeatureVariations, but append new records to it
for features which are not already there. But raise ``VarLibError`` if the feature tag
already has feature variations associated with it (3363).
- [varLib] Added ``addGSUBFeatureVariations`` function to add GSUB Feature Variations
to an existing variable font from rules defined in a DesignSpace document (3362).
- [varLib.interpolatable] Various bugfixes and rendering improvements. In particular,
a new test for "underweight" glyphs. The new test reports quite a few false-positives
though. Please send feedback.

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