
Latest version: v4.54.1

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Not secure

- [OS/2] fix checking ``fsSelection`` bits matching ``head.macStyle``
- [varLib] added ``--build-HVAR`` option to generate ``HVAR`` table for
fonts with TrueType outlines. For ``CFF2``, it is enabled by default.


Not secure

- [varLib] Improve support for OpenType 1.8 Variable Fonts:
- Implement GDEF's VariationStore
- Implement HVAR/VVAR tables
- Partial support for loading MutatorMath .designspace files with
varLib.designspace module
- Add varLib.models with Variation fonts interpolation models
- Implement GSUB/GPOS FeatureVariations
- Initial support for interpolating and merging OpenType Layout tables
(see ``varLib.interpolate_layout`` and ``varLib.merger`` modules)
- [API change] Change version to be an integer instead of a float in
hhea and vhea tables. Scripts that set the Version for those to 1.0
or other float values also need fixing. A warning is emitted when
code or XML needs fix.
- several bug fixes to the cffLib module, contributed by Adobe's
- The XML output for CFF table now has a 'major' and 'minor' elements
for specifying whether it's version 1.0 or 2.0 (support for CFF2 is
coming soon)
- [] remove undocumented/deprecated ``extra_path`` Distutils
argument. This means that we no longer create a "FontTools" subfolder
in site-packages containing the actual fontTools package, as well as
the standalone xmlWriter and sstruct modules. The latter modules are
also deprecated, and scheduled for removal in upcoming releases.
Please change your import statements to point to from fontTools.misc
import xmlWriter and from fontTools.misc import sstruct.
- [scripts] Add a 'fonttools' command-line tool that simply runs
``fontTools.*`` sub-modules: e.g. ``fonttools ttx``,
``fonttools subset``, etc.
- [hmtx/vmts] Read advance width/heights as unsigned short (uint16);
automatically round float values to integers.
- [ttLib/xmlWriter] add 'newlinestr=None' keyword argument to
``TTFont.saveXML`` for overriding os-specific line endings (passed on
to ``XMLWriter`` instances).
- [versioning] Use versioneer instead of ``setuptools_scm`` to
dynamically load version info from a git checkout at import time.
- [feaLib] Support backslash-prefixed glyph names.


Not secure

- restore Makefile as an alternative way to build/check/install
- update instructions for installing package from source,
and for running test suite
- NEWS: Change log was out of sync with tagged release


Not secure

- Fix ``ttLibVersion`` attribute in TTX files still showing '3.0'
instead of '3.1'.
- Use ``setuptools_scm`` to manage package versions.


Not secure

- [feaLib] New library to parse and compile Adobe FDK OpenType Feature
- [mtiLib] New library to parse and compile Monotype 'FontDame'
OpenType Layout Tables files.
- [voltLib] New library to parse Microsoft VOLT project files.
- [otlLib] New library to work with OpenType Layout tables.
- [varLib] New library to work with OpenType Font Variations.
- [pens] Add ttGlyphPen to draw to TrueType glyphs, and t2CharStringPen
to draw to Type 2 Charstrings (CFF); add areaPen and perimeterPen.
- [ttLib.tables] Implement 'meta' and 'trak' tables.
- [ttx] Add --flavor option for compiling to 'woff' or 'woff2'; add
``--with-zopfli`` option to use Zopfli to compress WOFF 1.0 fonts.
- [subset] Support subsetting 'COLR'/'CPAL' and 'CBDT'/'CBLC' color
fonts tables, and 'gvar' table for variation fonts.
- [Snippets] Add ````, for symbolic font statistics analysis;, a preliminary script for detecting interpolation
errors; ``{merge,dump}``.
- [classifyTools] Helpers to classify things into classes.
- [CI] Run tests on Windows, Linux and macOS using Appveyor and Travis
CI; check unit test coverage with; automatic
deployment to PyPI on tags.
- [loggingTools] Use Python built-in logging module to print messages.
- [py23] Make round() behave like Python 3 built-in round(); define
round2() and round3().


Not secure

- Add Snippet scripts for cmap subtable format conversion, printing
GSUB/GPOS features, building a GX font from two masters
- TTX WOFF2 support and a ``-f`` option to overwrite output file(s)
- Support GX tables: ``avar``, ``gvar``, ``fvar``, ``meta``
- Support ``feat`` and gzip-compressed SVG tables
- Upgrade Mac East Asian encodings to native implementation if
- Add Roman Croatian and Romanian encodings, codecs for mac-extended
East Asian encodings
- Implement optimal GLYF glyph outline packing; disabled by default

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